𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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'order meetings and broken promises'

AFTER THE MEETING THAT felt like it dragged for ever Eleanor quickly got up and rushed out of the kitchen and said a quick goodbye

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AFTER THE MEETING THAT felt like it dragged for ever Eleanor quickly got up and rushed out of the kitchen and said a quick goodbye.

But she didn't get far.

She just almost made it to the front door but her name being called caused her to stop dead in her tracks and contemplate whether or not to ignore it.

"Eleanor" James called out to her.

Her breath hitched upon hearing the familiar voice.

"Eleanor, please just look at me" he pleaded taking a few steps forward.

She slowly turned round and faced him. Nervously fiddling with her jumper sleeve.

"Where have you been" whispered his eyes scanning over her and then bringing his left hand up to run through his hair.

Eleanor bit her lip nervously "Anywhere but here i guess" she breathed trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"You promised" he croaked out shaking his head.

"I know i did James but i couldn't come back, not after everything" she sniffed pinching the bridge of her nose with her thumb and pointer finger.

"No, you could Eleanor. You just didn't want to." he argued with tears threatening to spill.

"That isn't fair James" she argued back shaking her head.

"No you know what isn't fair Eleanor! You leaving me, us" he said, not sounding angry but hurt.

"Look i'm sorry James!" she apologised feeling extremely guilty.

James shook his head and took a seat on the stairs.

"I wanted to come back James, i really did but i wasn't in the right head space. I couldn't do that to you both." She told him stepping closer to him.

He looked at at her.

Before James even got to respond they were interrupted.

"Dad?" Harry called out to James from the bottom of the stairs and he looked at Eleanor.

James stood up and quickly wiped his face.

"Yeah Harry, you okay?" James asked Harry who was looking between them both with furrowed brows.

"Eleanor?" he questioned

Eleanor looked at James briefly.

"Yeah that's me, Harry right?" She said and offered Harry a warm smile.

He nodded and gave her a slight smile still very confused on why his dads ex-girlfriend was standing in Sirius' childhood house hallway.

"Harry why don't you go get ready for tea, yeah" James told the boy smiling at him.

"It's alright i should get going anyways" Eleanor said "It was nice meeting you Harry, i'll see you both another time" she told them with an awkward smile.

She turned to leave and before James could stop her she was gone.


When she arrived home from disapparating she was followed by Freya who was just behind her she immediately let out a sob.

Freya rushed over to her and wrapped her arms around Eleanor who just sobbed into her shoulder.

"Shhh it's okay Ellie" Freya comforted her rocking them back and forward.

"It's not okay Freya" mumbled Eleanor through sobs "He was so hurt Rey"

"Hey, Look at me Eleanor" Freya said as he pulled away and softly grabbed Eleanor's face "It will be okay, You did what you needed to do at the time! it's okay to be selfish every once in awhile"

This just made her sob harder.

"They all hate me Rey" she cried

"No they don't love" Freya told her holding arlen closer.

"And Harry, he knew who i was. He probably hates me just a much." she kept sobbing "I was ment to be there for him. Lily wanted me to take over the mother role Rey, and what did i do? i left. i left them Rey, i'm so bloody selfish." she wailed through sobs as her whole body shook.

"You had to do it for you Ellie, you couldn't properly be there for them when you were in that mindset. You weren't ready to take over Lily's role, she would understand Eleanor." Freya whispered comfortingly to her.

"After seeing him today all my feelings just came back" she sniffled into Freyas shoulder "I still love him, Rey"

"I know you do El." Freya replied rubbing Eleanor's back as she sobbed even more.

They stayed like that for awhile. Eleanor letting everything out and just sobbing into Freya's shoulder while she comforted her.

Eleanor eventually fell asleep in the sofa and Freya layed a throw over her and took a seat on the other sofa opposite Eleanor and stayed with her all night.

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