𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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  'friendly faces and worried glances'

tw: slight mention of alcohol abuse, very brief

   IT HAD BEEN A few days since all the teenagers returned to Hogwarts and Grimmauld Place was awfully quiet without them

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   IT HAD BEEN A few days since all the teenagers returned to Hogwarts and Grimmauld Place was awfully quiet without them.

Harry had reached out to both Eleanor and James, telling them he got there safe and how they had a new defence against the dark arts Professor who was awfully pink and seemed to be a bit of a cow.

He also told them how she worked for the ministry and that he thinks they are interfering at Hogwarts, which was discussed at the latest order meeting.

   Molly and Arthur Weasley had both returned to the burrow, James was still staying at Grimmauld Place just in case, along with Remus and Sirius.

  Most days James and Remus were pretty absent, James at work and Remus on Order missions since he had yet to find work that would hire him with his Lycanthropy.

Order meeting has become more frequent since they had no teenagers to keep out and because attacks were becoming more frequent.

  Eleanor stopped by at least once a week to make sure Sirius wasn't too lonely while everyone was at work or on missions while he was unfortunately stuck at his childhood home.

She noticed he was significantly more gloomy looking that what he had been when everyone was staying there for the holidays.

  It was bound to take a toll on him, staying in his childhood home where so many thing happened that he would rather not be reminded of daily.

She brought him fresh pastries, cakes and cookies a lot which seemed to cheer him up.

She has been attempting to get Mary to join her on visiting them all but she had been a bit reluctant on going, afraid on what she would even say to them after all this time and she was also knees deep in work as a healer.

Today Eleanor was on her day off so she stopped by the bakery where Freya was working alone since it was a quiet day with most people back to work and she grabbed some fresh brownies to bring to Sirius.

Marcus had been owling her just a few days ago complaining about how he had nothing to do on his days off, so since she couldn't get Mary to accompany her today she decided to drag Marcus along.

     "This looks...homey?" Marcus said from where they both stood on the pavement looking up at Grimmauld Place.

"It just needs a bit of fixing up" Eleanor shrugged and began walking up the steps with Marcus in tow. She reached the door, raised her hand and knocked a few times.

  A few moments later there was rustling from behind the door then a voice said, "Who's there?".

  "It's Eleanor, Sirius" She replied.

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