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Tiffany's View

I knocked on Jungkooks door and MinJae stood there at the door. I think this is this wrong house? But then Jungkook came out from MinJae's back.

Jungkook- "Tiffany... What are you doing here...?"

Me- "W-why is she here?..." I pointed at MinJae. There was a bit of jealousy right now in me since they were getting married soon.

MinJae- "I um..had to do a project with Jungkook that our professor wanted us to do to show the colleges students."

Jungkook- "Yeah because the professor said we were his best graduated students."

Me- "But she said she was spending the night here..." I feel like I'm about to break down and cry. Why does MinJae have to come into our love story and wreck it?

MinJae- "I did? Oh! What I meant was, I'm just staying here for a bit because of the project. I suppose I should get going now ^_^" she went back inside to get her stuff and left. I went inside Jungkook's house.

Jungkook- "Sorry I didn't let you know beforehand," he rubbed the back of his neck.

Me- "It's okay Oppa. Just let me know later on if you guys are working on projects. I'll be glad to help you guys,"

MinJae's View

Whew that was close. Damn you Jungkook. Never staying at his house again.

I went to Chaera's house to pick up Baekhyun because I wasn't staying at Jungkook's house. Chaera asked me tons of questions but I just ignored her.

Chaera- "Where were you? Jungkook's house? Nothing happened right?" I knew what exactly she was thinking -_-

I smacked her head.

Me- "Yah! Don't think of those things! Let's go Baekhyun. Thanks for watching him," we left.

Baekhyun and I arrived home. It was 9:30PM.

Me- "Did you eat?"

Baekhyun- "No. I'm hungry,"

Me- "What do you want to eat?"

Baekhyun- "Pizza!"

I called the pizza place and within 15 minutes, the pizza was here.


Someone- "MinJae!"

Me- "Yeah?" I was still tired. I wanted to sleep. The person came into my room. It was my mom.

Me- "Oh. You guys are back,"

Mom- "Hurry up and get ready! Jungkook's parents are coming over. Make sure to look good. And get up now. It's 11:23AM." My mom left my room.

I must've been quite tired yesterday even though I barely did anything. I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom. I took a quick 15 minute shower and then went back into my room.

I pulled out a black knee-length dress to wear. I paired the dress with black heels. I did my usual natural makeup and then headed downstairs. Mr and Mrs Jeon hasn't shows up yet so I decided to eat breakfast. I grabbed a cereal bowl and poured my cereal and milk into the bowl. I started eating.

Right when I finished my cereal, the doorbell rang. Good timing. I set my bowl in the sink and went to sit down.

Mrs.Jeon- "Omo! MinJae is looking quite pretty today!" She smiled. Jungkook came with them.

Me- "Thank you," everyone sat down and the conversation began.

Dad- "Okay, so the actual reason why we're having you guys get married is because of our business."

Living With Jungkook Isn't Easy [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now