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Jungkook's View

She told me to get out. What did I do? Is she those type of girls who are mood swingers? I decided to give her space and went back into my room.

The dark...>.<
I'm scared. I should've brought my unicorn pet pillow. Damn it. I turned the light on and just slept with it on because I didn't have a lamp next to me.

Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up and no one was making breakfast. I checked MinJae's room and she was gone.

I went into the kitchen and breakfast was on the table along with a note.

"I'll be back around 1PM -MinJae"

I sat down and ate what MinJae made. I finished eating and the doorbell rung. I went and opened the door expecting MinJae to be there but it was her parents.

MinJae's Mom- "Annyeong!" MinJae has the same exact eye smile like her mom.

Me- "Please, come in," it was awkward. Where did MinJae go??? I led her parents to the living room and gestured them to sit down while I went and filled two cups of water for them.

MinJae's Dad- "We came over to tell you that next week, there will be an event held for our business, including your parents business. It's a celebration and we'd like to announce your marriage at the event,"

Me- "Oh...I'll talk to MinJae about it," it's so awkward talking to her parents.

MinJae's Mom- "Where did MinJae go? I called her and told her to stay. Aish, this childish girl,"

Wait, did MinJae purposely leave because her parents were coming over? -__- I'm so slow.

MinJae's Dad- "So, since you are almost my fake son-in-law, I'll give you a list about MinJae,"

Me- "Um okay,"

MinJae's Dad- "First rule, if she gets too emotional, she'll lock herself in her room and won't come out for a week or two. Second, don't disturb her when she's watching K-Drama. Third, don't ever say her idols are ugly. Fourth, if she gets mad at you, she'll give you the silent treatment. Fifth, never let her watch scary-" MinJae's Mom cut him off.

MinJae's Mom- "Yeobo, I think that's enough. Jungkook is probably tired from hearing you talk. Oh! I almost forgot the most important news! In two weeks, we'll have your wedding,"

Me- "O-oh, really? Did you guys pick out the place yet?" I admit, I'm quite shocked because the wedding date isn't that far.

MinJae's Mom- "We haven't figured out the place yet. We'll tell you when we figured out the place,"

MinJae's Dad- "I suppose we should get going. Take good care of MinJae," and they left.

A few minutes later MinJae texted me.

•MinJae- Did they leave yet???•

•Me- Ani. Don't come home yet•

I lied to her.

•MinJae- Liar. I see you standing by the window•

Was she stalking me? Within 30 seconds she opened the door and came in.

MinJae- "So how was it like talking to my parents?" She chuckled.

Me- "It was...nice I guess,"

MinJae- "Don't lie. Everyone knows they talk too much,"

Me- "Why did you leave me alone with them? Waeeee???"

MinJae- "They're gonna be your parents too. So might as well feel comfortable talking with them," she made an annoyed face.

Living With Jungkook Isn't Easy [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now