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^^^^^^^^^FREAKING BAE ^^^^^^^^^

MinJae's View

I woke up. We were cuddling... I smiled. Wait, I heard someone walking upstairs. Who is it? A murderer? A stalker? Wait, how did that person even get in?

They opened my bedroom door.

Someone- "Yah! Wake up! It's already 10:30AM! I know you guys still want to cuddle but we have plans!" I can already tell who it was. Chaera.

Jungkook and I immediately sat up.

Me- "Plans?..."

Jungkook- "Wait, how did you get in?!"

Chaera- "Keys," she showed us the keys to our house.

Me- "Aish. So what are the plans?"

Chaera- "Wait... Why are you guys in a bed...together?..."

Jungkook- "Why? Are you jealous because you and SungGu don't cuddle?"

Chaera- "I'm not jealous! We cuddle all of the time. Now please get out. I need to talk about some private stuff with MinJae," Jungkook obeyed and went into his room.

Me- "What was that all about?" I laughed.

Chaera- "Since when did you guys started cuddling?"

Me- "I don't know. And why are you here?"

Chaera- "Yah. Can I not be here? I have nothing to do, and SungGu is on a business trip with his parents. Oh what to do," she laid on my bed.

Me- "So there were no plans?" Chaera nodded.

Aish this girl.


I got up and went downstairs. Chaera followed me like a puppy.

Me- "Did you eat yet?"

Chaera- "No. I'm hungry. Make me food, mom."

Me- "That's what I was gonna do," I went straight into the kitchen while Chaera went and sat the the table to play on her phone.

While I was frying the pancakes, Chaera came up behind me and hugged me which is really weird.

Me- "Yah. Chaera, get off. You're gonna get burnt."

Chaera- "Dude what are you talking about. I'm over here," I looked behind me. It was Jungkook.

He gave me a cheeky smile while I gave him a glare.

Me- "Stop being so clingy =_="

Jungkook- "But I have nothing to do."

Me- "There's a lot of stuff to do. Go clean the toilet or something."

Jungkook- "I don't want to. I wanna stay here," I sighed.


I washed the last plate and went to sit on the couch with Chaera. Jungkook went out somewhere.

Chaera- "What happened between you two?"

Me- "I don't know," I shrugged.

Chaera- "I thought you hated him?"

Me- "I guess I kinda gave him a second chance."

Chaera- "Isn't your wedding this week?"

Me- "Yeah," Chaera slapped my arm.

Me- "Yah! What was-"

Chaera- "Are you stupid?! You should be getting your ugly face ready! Let's go to the store and buy facial masks and other beauty stuff. Aigoo. You must not know how important this is."

Living With Jungkook Isn't Easy [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now