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MinJae's View

Me- "Aish! Yah! Why did you drink so much?!? I don't even know where you live! Tell me your address,"

Jungkook- "She.........cheated.....on...me...." He muttered something then started to sob quietly.

Me- "Yah! Jeon Jungkook! What is your address?"

Jungkook- "970....Rainbow Street...."

Me- "That's my address -_-"

Jungkook- "No...that's my house, babo.."

Me- "Look who's talking -_-" I searched in his pockets for his car keys.

I had the owner of the restaurant help me drag Jungkook into the car because he was too heavy.

Me- "Thank you for helping me ^_^"

Owner- "No problem, come again,"

Jungkook was sitting, more like sleeping, in the back. I started the engine and started to drive.

Me- "Babo... You don't even know where you live,"

Jungkook- "That's because...... I saw her...with......."

Me- "Who? It's probably just your imagination. You drank too much,"

Jungkook- "What are you talking about? I didn't drink anything at all," he giggled. Why did I let him drink? -_-

We arrived home, my house actually. I had to drag Jungkook out of the car, and inside the house. It literally took me like almost an hour to take him inside because no one helped me -.- and Jungkook was too fat.

Finally, we were in the house. Wait, where's my parents?

I heard some footsteps quietly sneaking down to the living room where Jungkook was sleeping. Suddenly the lights turned on.

Someone- "WHO ARE YOU?!"

Me- "Why aren't you sleeping? It's 1:08am now,"

Someone- "Because I'm still leveling up in my games. Who's that dude?"

Me- "Sadly, he's your future brother-in-law, also my fiancé," I sighed.

Someone- "What's wrong with him?"

Me- "Baekhyun, can you go get me a wet cloth?" Baekhyun nodded and went to the bathroom to get a wet cloth.

While Baekhyun was getting the cloth, I fixed Jungkook's position so that he wouldn't fall. A few minutes later Baekhyun came back with a wet cloth. I took the cloth and placed it on Jungkook's forehead.

Me- "Where's mom and dad?"

Baekhyun- "They left for the airport like two hours ago,"

Me- "Oh. Did you eat?"

Baekhyun- "I already ate,"

Me- "What did you eat?"

Baekhyun- "Ramen..."

Me- "Do you want something else?"

Baekhyun- "No. I gotta go back to level up." And just after that, he left to his room.

I went and filled a bowl full of water and placed it down by Jungkook so I wouldn't have to go back and forth to switch the water. I went inside of my room and removed my makeup. I went inside my bathroom and took a hot shower because I just felt like it. I got done with my 15 minute shower and went to put on my clothes. I grabbed my sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I dried my hair with the hair blow dryer and tied my hair in a messy bun because I was too tired to care.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to check on Jungkook. He was sleeping peacefully. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the mini garbage can and placed it beside Jungkook incase if we was to puke.

I went and sat on the other couch and played games. Soon enough I already fell asleep.

I woke up quite early. It was 7:02am. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my hair and ect. I went into the kitchen and started cooking. I made some soup for us because Jungkook has a cold, and he was drunk last night. I finished making the soup by 8:03am.

It took me quite a while to make the soup because I had to look up how to make it. It was also my first time making soup. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I don't cook that much. The only things that I cook quite often is ramen. I poured the soup into three bowls. I went upstairs and opened Baekhyun's door. As expected, he was still on his laptop.

Me- "Did you seriously stay up all night?"

Baekhyun- "W...what?.."

Me- "I said, 'Did you seriously stay up-"


Me- "Hurry up with your game and come downstairs for breakfast,"

Jungkook's View

Where am I? I opened my eyes and scanned the room.

Someone- "You're awake?" I looked at her. It was MinJae.

Me- "H..how did I get here?..."

MinJae- "You were drunk, and you wouldn't tell me your address so I just brought you here,"

Me- "What about your parents?" I sat up.

MinJae- "They left for business and probably won't be back for two to three weeks,"

Me- "Oh. Sorry, I must've been really drunk last night and bothered you,"

MinJae- "It's okay, go get dressed and do your business," she handed some clothes to me that looked like mine.

Me- "How did you get my clo-"

MinJae- "Someone from your house brought it here,"

Me- "Is that so?.. Oh okay." I went upstairs and straight into the bathroom.

I tried to remember what happened last night. I felt like someone had shot a gun straight through my head. That's how much it hurts. There was a bit of pain inside my heart too. Why does it hurt so much? I tried really hard to remember.

A/N: I UPDATED!! Yayyyy!!! This chapter was kinda short-ish, I guess. Have a great day!!

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