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Jungkook's View

I decided to forget about the pain and slipped into the shower. I took a quick ten-minute shower and got out of the shower. I put on the clothes that MinJae gave me. A white t-shirt and black sweat pants.

I got out of the bathroom and headed downstairs. I saw MinJae and this little boy sitting at the table eating. I went to the couch to grab my phone before heading to the table. I sat at the table and started eating the warm soup.

MinJae- "Is your head okay?"

Me- "Uh..yeah. No need to worry," I faked a smile although my head still stings with pain.

MinJae- "Well if it hurts, just tell me,"

The little boy didn't talk and just continued on eating.

Me- "Is that your little brother?...." I asked MinJae. It was kinda awkward.

MinJae- "Yeah,"

Little Boy- "I'm not little. I'm 11 years old!" He pouted.

Me- "Haha...too cute. What's your name?"

Boy- "First of all, don't call me cute. Only MinJae can call me that. And the name is Baekhyun,"

Me- "Wow... And I wonder where you get your sass from," I darted MinJae a look.

MinJae- "Yah! You should be glad I brought you here instead on dropping you off at the dumpster,"

Me- "Geez, woman. I was just kidding,"

We all finished eating.

I pulled out my phone. I looked at my phone incase if anyone has called me last night. I saw 'Tiffany<3' in my call log. My mind started to remember. The pain... I remembered... Tiffany and the guy... My head and heart was being filled with pain.

I went and sat at the couch trying to forgot about the pain.

MinJae's View

I finished the dishes and went into the living. I saw Jungkook whining while hitting his head.

Me- "Are you okay?..."

Jungkook- "My head...it hurts,"

Me- "I'll go buy some pain relievers. I'll go get Baekhyun to watch you while I go out, okay?"

Jungkook- "Okay..."

I went upstairs to Baekhyun's room.

Me- "Can you stay with Jungkook for a bit while I go out?"

Baekhyun- "Where?"

Me- "Store,"

Baekhyun- "What are you buying?"

Me- "Stop asking and come downstairs before I leave or else your laptop, PS3, phone and your other electronics will be confiscated,"

Baekhyun- "Fine......." He whined while closing his laptop.

I went into my room and grabbed my purse and jacket. I was still wearing my black t-shirt with sweat pants. I didn't care how I looked right now because Jungkook had a headache, and I'll only be going out for like 15 minutes.

I put on my converse and got out the door. I went to the nearest drugstore and bought some pain relievers. I drove back home and found two boys playing the PS3.

Me- "I'm back,"

Jungkook- "You know, this is a really good pain reliever," he continued playing.

Me- "Wow -__-"

Baekhyun- "Wanna play?"

Me- "Maybe later. And here," I threw the bag at Jungkook and it accidentally hit his head.

Jungkook- "Yah! You just made my headache worst!" He was gonna run towards me but I ran to my room and locked the door.

Me- "Sorry!" I yelled from behind the door.

Jungkook- "Yah! Open! I need some payback here!" He was pounding on the door.

Me- "Nope. Now go away, I need to watch k-drama,"

Jungkook- "Aish. This girl -.-"

I heard Jungkook's footsteps going downstairs. I opened my laptop and started watching my k-drama. It wasn't even a minute until I noticed my phone wasn't with me!

I quietly opened my door and peeked out to see if Jungkook was there or not because he said he's gonna get some payback. I looked and I don't see Jungkook in sight.

I tiptoed downstairs as if I was spying on someone, but it was a mission to get my phone.

My phone was lying on the couch. I went over and grabbed my phone. Then I felt someone tackle me. I looked to see who it was and it was Jungkook. He tackled me so that he was lying on top of me not putting any weight on me.

Jungkook- "Payback is coming," he smirked.

Me- "Get off. You're heavy."

Jungkook- "And what if I don't?" There goes another smirk. He started leaning closer to my face.

Me- "Seriously, get off. Baekhyun is gonna see us like this and he's gonna get the wrong idea." Was I blushing? It was getting pretty hot though.

Jungkook- "Nope..." He leaned into my face very close. I could feel his heartbeat. There was also a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

Me- "Y-yah. Get off! I-I can't b-breathe,"

Jungkook- "Nope, I'm gonna stay like this," he smiled.

Suddenly he grabbed my phone and ran to my room and locked it. I followed after him.

Me- "YAH! Open the door!!"

Jungkook- "Nope," he was laughing.

Me- "You better not touch anything or else I'll kill you!" I started pounding on the door.

Luckily, my parents had the keys to the doors in their bedroom. I crept into my parents bedrooms and grabbed my keys for my room that was inside a drawer. I went back to my room and unlocked the door.

Me- "YAH! Give my phone back!"

Jungkook- "Wait...." He was taking selcas *selfies*.

Me- "EWWW. Delete them! You look ugly!"

Jungkook- "Pshh you're just jealous of my fab,"

Me- "Me? Jealous? No. Now give me back my phone," I started whining.

Jungkook- "Wait, five more pictures,"

Me- "How many pictures did you take?!"

Jungkook- "What pictures?" He asked innocently and made his way out of my room.

I scrolled through my photos and half of the total of my photos was filled with Jungkook's selcas. That dude.... -.-

A/N: I UPDATED!! I think this was a short chapter. Oh well.

Living With Jungkook Isn't Easy [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now