First Meetings & Last Nights

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Hello friends! Welcome to Sunrise. I'm really excited about this story, I love writing Bucky when I write my imagines so thought a full fic was the next logical step! There might be a bit of a gap between this and the next chapter as I'm planning on getting a good chunk written in order to update the story more regularly and keep the flow going, hopefully it'll only be a week or so!

Anyway, here is the first chapter! Hope you enjoy! Please don't forget to vote/comment, it makes my day when you do!


"You're being transferred." Director Fury said, placing his hands behind his head as he leant back in his chair casually.


"You're being transferred, Y/N. To Unit One."

"Unit One? The Avengers?" You furrowed your brow in confusion and then it suddenly dawned on you.

"Is this because Sergeant Barnes is back? Look, Sir, I know I helped Captain Rogers readjust but I've read over Barnes' file, and that's a whole other kettle of fish." There was exasperation in your voice as you spoke. There was no way you were qualified for this, SHIELD had therapists and specialists for these kinds of jobs.

"Oh, you did get my email then." Fury replied, his face hard to read. You'd only read Barnes' file because Fury had sent it to you in a blank email. You didn't think it was meant for you but seeing as you were authorised to look anyway, you thought you would. You were curious.

"What about my current project, I've been leading this for 6 months, I can't just walk away."

"You're not getting out of it, Barnes has already been briefed and he's currently waiting in your office with Captain Rogers, who requested this, by the way." Fury informed you, standing from his desk and gesturing for you to follow. "You'll be introduced to him now and then you'll have a week to hand over your current project to your deputy."

You slumped behind Fury in defeat as you both left his office, watching as he secured the door with the eye scanner. He walked with you to the elevator and wished you good luck before verging off to the control room. You swiped your pass and asked the nice automated elevator lady to take you to the fifth floor. And then you were alone with your thoughts.

When you'd been assigned to the team responsible for helping Captain Rogers get back into the modern world, you were a new recruit. Young and full of hope and excitement at the thought of working with a real superhero. Now, you'd been at SHIELD for five years and the optimism was still there, but only just. You'd seen so much destruction over your time there that your sole focus now was working on Project Sunrise, a division of SHIELD that aims to rehabilitate and revive communities that have been damaged in various incidents. SHIELD giving back, so to speak. When the heroes are the ones who do the damage, it made sense for the organisation to take responsibility.

As the elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open on your floor, you straightened yourself out and made your way down the hall towards your office. The door was slightly ajar as you approached and you could hear Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes talking.

"She was the best on the team when I was getting back into the world Buck, I have every faith that she'll work her magic on you too." He smiled down at his friend who's expression was anything but happy.

"Why can't I just get on with it myse-"

"Y/N, hi!" Captain Rogers cut him off as you entered the room.

"Captain Rogers. Sergeant Barnes, lovely to meet you." You gave him what you hope was a friendly smile, wary of how he was taking all of this.

"Y/N we've gone through this. You've known me long enough and well enough to call me Steve, please."

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