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"I want to come with you." You said, standing from your seat as everyone else did. You caught Steve's eye as you spoke, silently awaiting his approval even though you were certain you were going whether he allowed you to or not.

"Y/N... it's probably-"

"If you're about to say it's probably best if I stay here - don't. I want to help."

"If it's the HYDRA we know, they're gonna have guards posted at every entrance and they're lethal, Y/N. We can't afford to take the risk. Bucky will no doubt kill me if you end up hurt... or worse." He was talking softly, trying to let you down easy.

"But it might not be. I have basic combat training, Steve. I can fire a gun. Just let me come with you. I need to do this, I need to save Bucky."

Everyone looked at him, waiting for his response and you hoped they were on your side. "You're not gonna take no for an answer are you?"

"Nope. One request though." You said and Steve raised an eyebrow at you. "Leave Alex to me."

Steve sighed but nodded curtly before turning to leave the room, pausing just before he reached the door.

"Nat, find her a suit. And a gun."


Bucky must have been knocked out again because when he came to next he was sitting in a chair. He was still blindfolded and gagged, but the chains had been removed. Instead, he could feel the all too familiar weight of the metal cuffs they used to secure him down with when he was the Winter Soldier and he knows now exactly what kind of chair he's in.

He wasn't alone either, he could hear the scuffle of boots on what he assumed was concrete and the low hum of accented voices. He knew what their plan was, and even though he was free of the curse, he was still worried.

What if they managed to bring back the soldier? What if all the pain and hard work he went through in Wakanda was reversed just like that? What if the monster he used to be was suddenly let loose into the world again?

What if... he hurt you? Sweet, beautiful you. You, who he had all these plans with. You were the love of his life, his sunrise after a lifetime of stormy nights.

He wasn't aware that he was crying behind his blindfold until he felt his tears soaking into the fabric, dampening the skin of his cheek.

"Chin up, James. It's not the end of the world." Alex's voice rang out, echoing into the vast room.

Bucky wanted to talk back, wanted to make some snide remark.

"I have some big plans for you and me. Once the soldier is back in action, of course. Speaking of."

Bucky could sense her approach him, and suddenly his eyes were adjusting to bright lights in an otherwise dark and gloomy room. They were in some kind of warehouse or hangar, HYDRA scum planted at each door, a few lab rats in white coats scattered at machines around him. His eyes finally landed on Alex and she had the book, he wasn't sure how she got her hands on it but he wasn't surprised. HYDRA had probably been ticking along underground since 2014, acquiring everything they needed ready for him to be back in their clutches.

Alex cleared her throat as if preparing for a performance and flicked the book open to the relevant page and before Bucky knew it, she was reciting the words in perfect Russian.




Bucky's breath hitched, waiting. His instincts begging her to stop.


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