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"One more step, doll. You've got it." Bucky smiled encouragingly as you slowly lifted your foot and shakily placed it down in front of you. You had one hand gripping the rail, the other locked on Bucky's, squeezing tightly as you reached the end of the walkway.

"I hate this." You huffed as Bucky helped you back into your wheelchair, your lip quivering as tears threatened to spill. You stared down at your legs, angry that they were failing you. The sedative had caused paralysis in your lower limbs thanks to Alex injecting it into your thigh. Luckily, the worst of the effects had worn off while you were in the coma but after 6 more weeks spent bed-bound, your body had weakened further. Now it was a slow road to recovery, starting with regaining the strength in your legs.

Your gaze drifted over to Sunny lazing in the sun that filtered through the floor to ceiling windows, a pout on your lips as it hit you all over again that you couldn't even do something as simple as take your damn dog for a walk.

Bucky crouched down in front of you, and you wondered for a second if he could read your mind. "Hey, look at me." He said softly, his hand cradling your cheek tenderly. "What did you tell me that first evening in the kitchen? When you waited to eat dinner with me?"

You narrowed your eyes at him, knowing he was playing you at your own game. "One step at a time." You mumbled under your breath. You knew he heard you from the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips but he had to go all smart ass on you as he brought his hand to his ear.

"Sorry, what was that? I didn't quite hear."

"One step at a time." You tried to keep a straight face but Bucky's smile was infectious and you found yourself grinning back at him.

"That's my girl. Now, I have one more exercise I wanna try." He smiled, holding his hand out to you.

"Bucky, I just sat down." You complained and he tilted his head with a pout.

"Humour me, doll?"

You rolled your eyes as you let him haul you out of the chair and he held you up, pulling you closer so you could lean into him.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you play La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong please?" He asked the A.I. tentatively, still not used to speaking into thin air.

"Of course, Sergeant Barnes," F.R.I.D.A.Y replied, before music filled the room.

At the twinkling sounds of the piano, Bucky pulled you closer. His vibranium hand held you at the small of your back while his other took a hold of your left hand, your right arm resting on his shoulder as the tips of your fingers brushed over the nape of his neck. You looked up at him and he captured your lips in a sweet kiss as you gently swayed together, taking small steps as to not tire you out. Bucky hummed along as the trumpets kicked in and you relaxed into him, then when Louis Armstrong's distinctive voice sounded out around the room, Bucky murmured the lyrics into your ear.

Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose

When you kiss me, heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose

When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom

And when you speak, angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs

Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose

The room filled with trumpets again and Bucky tenderly brushed his fingers against your cheek, his gaze never leaving yours as you continued swaying until the song ended.

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