When It Rains, It Pours

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He looked like he'd just run twenty blocks, sweat gathered on his forehead as he caught his breath. It wasn't until you noticed the glistening of his eyes and the dirt and ash smudged across his skin that panic set in.

"Steve, what's going on?"

"There's been an accident. An explosion down at the VA."


You'd blocked out everything Steve said after that and for the second time that day, you fell to the floor. Your breathing becoming erratic as your brain automatically conjured images of Bucky, cold and lifeless amongst the rubble.

"Y/N, I need to get you to the compound. You need to stand up for me sweetheart." You could hear Steve's voice, faint and muffled behind the sound of your heartbeat thundering in your ears.

"You aren't wearing your Cap suit." You observed - the first thing you'd said since he'd entered your apartment.

"I was in the city running errands when it happened." He replied, busying himself around you looking for Sunny's leash. She had been trying to climb in your lap and lick your face for the last five minutes, sensing something was wrong.

Once he had her secure, he managed to get you into your jacket and with no indication that you were going to get yourself up from the floor, he lifted you into his arms and let Sunny jump into yours. Taking the stairwell, he leapt down the steps two at a time, keeping you flush to his chest as you tightened your grip on the small puppy.

Once Steve got you safely into the car, it was like the weight of everything came down on you and you asked the question that you were dreading the answer to.

"Is he...?" You couldn't bring yourself to say the word as you glanced to Steve.

"I don't know."

You nodded, nibbling at your bottom lip in distress.

"Sam and Wanda are scoping it out, helping clear rubble and look for casualties. We'll get an update once we're back at the compound."

"Why are you taking me to the compound?" You side-eyed him, swiping a tear from your cheek as you spoke.

"Because..." He hesitated.


"Because we have reason to believe it was a targeted attack and we need to get you out of harm's way."

"No... no, no, no." With blurred vision and a racing heart, you felt yourself start to panic, your hands shaking as you tried to keep Sunny still on your lap.

"We're gonna get to the bottom of this, Y/N. We'll find Bucky, I promise. Just breathe for me please."


The compound was hectic when you and Steve arrived, and he ushered you through the chaos to the elevator and up to the briefing room. Nat, Tony and Bruce were waiting for you and you noticed they'd called in reinforcements.

You'd met Clint and Rhodey briefly during your time working with Steve. And as they both pulled you into a hug, you weren't sure whether you were relieved to see them again or if their presence just made everything feel ten times more serious.

"What do we know?" Steve asked once everyone was seated.

"The explosion occurred at roughly 11:47am and in a sweep of the destruction, shrapnel from an IED was found. Wilson searched the surrounding areas and believes he found the device that was used to set it off."

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