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5 Years Later

Bucky finished stirring a second sugar into the decaf flat white in front of him, tapping the little wooden stirrer on the rim of the cup a couple of times before adding it to the small pile of ripped sugar packets. He fastened the lid back onto the cup, giving it a wiggle to make sure it was secure and glanced down at the newspaper on the table.

July 4th 2022.

The town still sat in early morning darkness, the sun not quite high enough to light up the sky and he was alone outside the cafe. A few early birds passed him, wishing him a good morning and a Happy 4th of July or bending down to give Sunny, who lay contently at his feet, a scratch behind the ear and Bucky returned it with a smile and a tip of his cap.

He sat there for a few moments longer, his eyes scanning over the front page of the paper before deciding to make a move. He didn't want the coffee to get cold before he reached his destination. Tucking the paper under his arm, he picked the drinks carrier up in his gloved left hand and gathered up the bag of pastries he'd decided on buying last minute in his right with Sunny's leash, setting off down the street in the glow of the sunrise.

Bucky crossed the street, heading a little way past the town limits, and turned right. The wildflowers were in full bloom. Violets and daisies lining the path amongst the overgrown grass and he let Sunny off her leash to explore.

He spotted the car first, it was the only one there and sometimes Bucky thought no one else knew about this place at all. He couldn't recall seeing another soul up there any time he'd visited over the last six years. He knew it would be packed out later that evening though, a prime spot to view the fireworks.

When he finally made it to the top of the lookout and he realised you hadn't noticed him approach yet, he stood admiring you from afar as you pushed the stroller back and forth with one hand while staring out at the valley below. Sunny bounded up to you, tail wagging as she sniffed around your legs before settling at your feet.

"One decaf flat white for Mrs Barnes," Bucky spoke quietly in a sing-song voice, making sure he didn't wake up your sleeping child as he appeared beside you, the goofiest smile on his face as he held out your coffee. You rolled your eyes, chuckling at his ridiculousness.

"Bucky, we've been married for two years. Is the novelty of calling me Mrs Barnes like that ever gonna wear off?" You asked, peering up at him.

Bucky leant down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. "Nope."

You both stood in comfortable silence for a moment, taking in the rising sun, the soft warmth hitting your skin as it shone down on you.

"She still asleep?" Bucky asked, walking behind you to glance into the stroller where an 18-month-old Bonnie Winnifred Barnes had finally drifted off after several turns around the block. Not wanting to leave her in the car, Bucky had managed to move her to the stroller undisturbed before heading off for coffee. 

Bucky had taken to fatherhood like a duck to water, despite how terrified he'd been for the whole of your pregnancy. But the moment his daughter was placed in his arms, he melted. She had him wrapped around her little finger from day one. His little Bumble Bee he called her. She had also, however, inherited his trait of being a light sleeper and more often than not they found themselves on the lookout, encouraging her to get at least a few hours of sleep as they watched the sunrise.

"Yeah. I have a feeling she'll wake up the minute I stop moving this damn stroller, though." You mumbled before taking a sip of your coffee, desperately wishing it had caffeine in it. Bucky brushed your hand away, taking over from stroller duties and you let your arm relax at your side, breathing a sigh of relief and giving your husband a thankful smile. 

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