And Now For My Next Trick

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There was light shining right on Bucky's face when he came to, and he instinctively went to shield his eyes with his hand but he couldn't move. His ears were ringing and he could feel the stickiness of semi-dried blood coating his skin. The sheer brightness of the stream of light on him shrouded the rest of the room in darkness and he had to wait for his eyes to adjust before he could make out where he was.

The dingy motel room was not what he expected. An abandoned warehouse maybe, or some high tech HYDRA facility. That's what this was right? HYDRA at it again because god forbid Bucky Barnes actually got to be happy. He quickly assessed his surroundings. Doors, windows, possible weapons, any indication of where exactly he was. There was no traffic that he could hear, so that ruled out a roadside motel. How did this happen? He replayed his day so far - assuming it was still the same day. Waking up to you beside him, the sight of you swaying your hips as you cooked breakfast, you in pieces on the bedroom floor over Fury's phone call-

Fury's phone call.

That couldn't be a coincidence. Bucky knew his life had been a rollercoaster but for the Sunrise accounts to be drained that morning to him ending up tied to a bed in some run-down motel - that was like dropping from what you thought was the peak of the coaster for it to only climb higher on the next turn.

He was alone, for now. Tied to the bed in chains wound so tightly that no matter how much he tried, he couldn't break free. After a few more attempts, he let his tense body relax against the rigid mattress as best he could and started to think up a plan.

If he could just figure out a way to loosen the chains on his hands. He could sneak away, find a way to contact Steve. He had no doubt that they were doing everything they could to save him. Again.

He was about to have another try at breaking himself free when the door of the motel room creaked open slowly - not what Bucky was used to. Where were the forceful entries? The arrogance?

"Oh good, you're awake."

Bucky didn't recognise the person behind the voice, not at first. And then the person stepped into the light.

"You're... You work with Y/N." He croaked out, his voice shot.

"Well, hopefully not for much longer. I imagine Fury was quick to build a case on her after the little incident this morning." It made sense now. He knew his girlfriend wasn't responsible for the funds being stolen and now it made sense.


"To get to you. I'm finishing a job."



"What is it, Y/N?" Steve stood behind you. You'd been sat at the conference table for what felt like forever, wracking your brain for any information that would help.

"Shit, shit, shit." You let out an exasperated sigh and spun in your chair to face Steve. "I went into work right before Christmas because I had some paperwork to sign. Fury said the authorisation forms had my signature on and I denied it because I hadn't signed anything recently but..."

" think she managed to get you to sign them without you realising?" Steve finished and you nodded solemnly. What had you done? "And then what, waited until you were cleared to authorise transactions again and submitted the forms so it looked like you did it?" He asked.

"She must have, but why? I don't get what her end goal is here."

Just as Steve went to reply, Tony entered the room. "So, Alexandria Le Wilts started at SHIELD in 2014, just as the organisation was building itself back up after the whole HYDRA fiasco. Everyone hired after that had ridiculously thorough background checks completed against them before they were even allowed in the building and according to her employee files, she's as clean as a whistle." Tony started, throwing himself into a chair and kicking his feet up onto the table.

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