Sunset To Sunrise

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Bucky missed doing nothing.

He was currently sitting in your office, feet up on the desk and phone tucked between his shoulder and ear as he tried to discuss the arrangement of an aid package with some government official somewhere in Europe after Steve was unsurprisingly reckless with a fight in the middle of a market square.

Fury had agreed to Bucky working on Project Sunrise once you had promised no funny business would occur in your office. If only he knew what you and Steve had gotten up to on your desk.

After a couple of weeks of showing him the ropes, he had a feeling you enjoyed bossing him around a little too much. But he enjoyed being busy and getting to spend time with you seeing that every spare moment he had was spent planning your birthday or going to therapy and meetings at the VA, which were still mandatory. He was falling into bed already half asleep and snoring softly before you could even kiss him goodnight. On the upside, he was so tired, he was sleeping through, no nightmares. And he was enjoying waking up beside you every morning instead of in the living room next to Sunny, who thought he'd appreciate her breathing her dog breath in his face as a wake-up call.

Besides that, he was enjoying working. Feeling useful, having a purpose that didn't involve inflicting violence on anyone.

"Hey, are you nearly done?" You clung to the edge of the door frame, swinging into the room playfully to be met with Bucky's hand silently indicating that he'd be two minutes while he rattled off something in German down the phone. You smiled at him fondly. He looked at home behind your desk, an air of authority about him that made you weak at the knees.

When he'd finished up, you rounded the desk and knocked his feet from the walnut top before sitting across his lap, your arms lacing around his neck. "You ready to head out?" You asked, fingers running through the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Yeah... actually I asked Steve to meet me here, I need to run an errand with him. Why don't you get an uber home and I'll meet you there with take-out later?" He replied.

"Oh." A small frown appeared on your face, your bottom lip sticking out in a pout and Bucky chuckled lightly. The hand he had around your back tightened its grip while his other ran up and down your leg as he held back from nipping at your lip with his teeth.

"I promise we won't be too long. Birthday stuff." He winked.


On the eve of your birthday, Bucky stood from the couch and announced that he was taking Sunny for a walk. You waved him off, too engrossed in The Great British Bake Off to notice he had grabbed her bed, along with a few of her toys and her food and had packed them into a little overnight bag.

When he returned, he was sans dog and you emerged from the kitchen with a quizzical look on your face when you hadn't heard the pitter-patter of her paws in the hall.

"What have you done with our dog?" You asked and Bucky looked at you sheepishly as he kicked off his shoes.

"She's having a little sleepover at the compound. Sam was very excited."

That you could believe. Sam had taken care of Sunny when you were unconscious in a hospital bed and Bucky was on his HYDRA revenge rampage and he hadn't really seen her since, so you could just imagine the joyful reunion of the Falcon and the playful puppy.

Bucky followed you through to the kitchen and trapped you in his arms as soon as he was close enough. "Whatever plans you had for this evening, forget them." He murmured, turning you around to place a loving kiss on your lips. "Your birthday starts now. Go put on your warmest PJs." He ignored your confused furrowed brow and kissed you once more before letting you go, giving your ass a light tap as you headed towards the bedroom.

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