Three Weeks In Hell

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Um... thank you so much for 1K reads! I really love writing this story and it means so much that it's being read and enjoyed! You're all the best, thank you for sticking with me.

Content warning: choking (and not in the sexy way soz), death, slight sexual harassment/manipulation.


"Has she been out this whole time?"

The voice was familiar but you were still too far under to think properly. And when another voice appeared, similar to the first, the confusion just hurt your brain.

"Yeah, but her vitals are good. There was a bit of a touch and go moment when we first got her back here but she's been fine since. Her body has been through a lot, she just needs rest, Buck."

Buck. Buck... Bucky.

"Where were you?" The second voice piped up again, you still didn't know who it belonged to.

"Where do you think I was, Steve?! I was getting rid of the problem. I think you guys call it avenging." Bucky bit back.

"Bucky, you left her in the woods. Unconcious. What the fuck were you thinking?" The second voice - Steve - hissed. There were a lot of words, you couldn't quite fathom what they meant as you lay there, slowly waking up.

"I had no choice. I let you know where she was, I knew you'd come for her."

"Three weeks, Bucky. What if she had woken up and you weren't here? What was I meant to say to her?" Steve asked, he was really trying not to shout but it seemed like his best friend was doing all he could to rile him up.

"You would have figured it out, you always do." Bucky sounded defeated as he ran his hand through his hair. The last three weeks were hell. He had welcomed the soldier back into his brain but had used most of his mental energy putting up a barrier, never letting him fully take over. All while taking down what was left of HYDRA single-handedly.

For you.

To keep you safe.

Three Weeks Ago

"Если она умрет, ты умрешь."

"I won't take that threat to heart. Welcome back soldat."

Bucky grunted, his jaw set hard as his own anger met with the solider's steely temperament. He let Alex lead him away, stealing one last look at his love. He was doing this for her.

As expected, he was thrown into a makeshift cell back at the army base and he had been led through a secluded area, away from the eyes of his friends who he assumed were still fighting. A single guard had been left to watch over him, he must have been one of few left after the battle he'd seen happening around him in the hangar earlier. When the guard wandered away and down to the end of the long corridor that the cell was located on, Bucky took his opportunity and dug into his pocket, pulling out the comms unit he'd taken from you and shoving it into his ear.

"Anyone there? Steve? Nat?" He whispered, hoping he was being loud enough.

"Buck? Everything alright? Are you back on the jet?" Steve's voice came in loud and clear and Bucky gathered himself before he told Steve where you were. He knew his friend was going to be angry.

"Not quite. Listen, Y/N's in the woods, about 100 yards from the base. I need you to stay calm when I tell you this next thing, please." He begged, and he waited for some kind of confirmation from Steve before he continued, his gaze locked on the guard who was still hovering at the end of the corridor, their attention on something through the window. "She was unconscious when I left her, Alex found us and injected her with some kind of sedative designed for super-soldiers. It wasn't good, Steve. I need you to get to her ASAP. She's gonna need immediate medical attention."

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