Lay It On Me

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There is smut in this chapter, FYI. Enjoy!


"Oh, hello. Can I help you?" You chuckled as Bucky clambered up onto the bed, removing the pillows you were leaning on and positioning himself behind you instead.

"I'm bored." He whined, brushing your hair to the side and pressing his lips on the sensitive spot behind your ear while his metal fingers ghosted over the side of your neck making you visibly shiver. "Is this what it's like, not having anything to do all the time? Am I just going to be forever bored?"

Glancing through to the living room, you could see Sunny had crashed out on the couch, not surprising considering Bucky had spent the morning playing tug of war with her toys and chasing her around the apartment. The sound of his laughter and how doting he was being on the ever-growing puppy had been the perfect soundtrack to listen to while you work. It also made you feel broody as hell as you sat there wondering if he was like that with a dog, what would he be like with actual human kids.

Most of all, it reminded you of how far he'd come, even in the few weeks since you'd found out about his nightmares returning. He would wake you now if he sensed one happening. And even though he'd disappear into the living room for the rest of the night, it eased your mind that he knew you were there if he needed you, that he didn't have to go through it alone. And on the upside for you, your legs were 90% fully functioning again, which made life just that little bit easier. It got a little tiring if you were on them for too long but you were glad to finally see the back of the wheelchair you'd been confined to.

"You can always help me with this." You offered, gesturing to the laptop resting on your crossed legs. You had a spreadsheet open, a to-do list about fifty items long and a hundred tabs open for venues, vendors and entertainment across the city. "Fury wants the relaunch of Sunrise to happen ASAP and honestly, I could use all the help I could get."

"Can we have a baby soon? That'll keep me busy." Bucky pondered, ignoring everything you had just said as he went back to kissing your neck, speaking between kisses. "I could be a stay at home dad." Lips. "I think I'd like that." Tongue. "Maybe we could get a cute little house in one of those towns just outside the city." Teeth.

"Bucky..." It came out as an exasperated whine, you had work to do and he wasn't helping. But Bucky knew he was getting to you as he mimicked your name back.

"Y/N..." Reaching around you, Bucky closed your laptop and tossed it to the side. "Come on. I know you want to." He murmured, his hand slinking down your body as he propped himself up onto his knees behind you, his front pressed flush against your back. He brushed over your chest, bunching your loose t-shirt into his metal fingers as he reached the hem and slipped his hand under so he could cup your breasts. You could feel him smirk into the crook of your neck as he realised you hadn't bothered with a bra. While his left hand worked at your nipples, his right travelled further down to the waistband of your lounge shorts and into your panties, cupping your sex and swiping a finger through your folds. You shifted your weight back against him a little, wanting to give him better access but as soon as he reached your clit, the gentle pressure of his finger was gone. "See?" He said, pulling his hand out of your shorts and showing you the slick he'd gathered before bringing his finger to his mouth and sucking it clean. "You taste so good, baby. You gonna let me taste you some more?"

You blushed, a whimper escaping you as his lips clamped onto the pulse point of your neck, suckling there as his hand still palmed at your breasts and tweaked each nipple between his finger and thumb, the coldness of the metal only making them pebble more under his touch. You were seeing this side of Bucky more and more but you still weren't used to the way he could turn you on so much with just a few words. You nodded weakly, letting out a moan as he pinched your left nipple a little harder than before.

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