Funds Unavailable

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Some light smut at the beginning of this chapter - nothing too detailed or intense but I have changed the rating to mature and thought I'd stick a warning in here in case. Enjoy!


"We can take it slow, Bucky."


"Figure out what you like."

"I like you."

"Yeah, no shit. Your erection against my ass already told me that."

A low chuckle escaped Bucky as he lay behind you, lips pressing warm kisses behind your ear, eliciting a small whimper from you.

It had been a week since Bucky had officially moved into his apartment and you had been completely swamped with work the entire time since. Alex had you running errands and completing intern level work for the time being as that was all you could do until the paperwork had been processed and you could lead the project again. It was hell when all you wanted was to be in control of your work baby again. But tonight, you finally had an evening free and you were making the most of it.

"How did we wait this long?" Bucky asked against the skin of your jaw as his lips travelled lower, his arm winding its way around your waist as he palmed at your breasts over your t-shirt. You hummed at his touch before he suddenly lifted his hand away and pulled at the hem instead. "Yeah, this needs to come off." He murmured, his fingers grazing your stomach as you shifted positions and he pulled the material from your body.

He was quick to remove your bra too, wanting to see all of you. "So beautiful." He whispered, leaning forward to capture your lips with his, pushing you back down against the pillow as his hands now had access to your bare chest. He left hot open mouthed kisses along your neck and jaw line, taking time to drag and swirl his tongue up to the spot behind your ear, earning the moan he knew you'd give him.

You reached your hand between your bodies, slowly tracing your fingertips along Bucky's torso on the way down. He hissed at the sensation and you felt him twitch in his boxers against your lower abdomen before you palmed him gently and he instinctively bucked his hips into your hand.

Bucky's hands roamed across your body, soft flesh and cold metal contradicting your senses. His movements painfully slow as he savoured every stroke of his fingers against your skin, committing them to memory. He hadn't been this intimate with anyone since the early 1940s and he wanted to do it right. With the affection and attention you deserved. There would be time for hot and heavy, but right now he just wanted to enjoy you, indulge in you.

As he worked his way down your body, his lips following his hands and he caught his thumbs in the waistband of your underwear. Tracing the pads of his fingers around your hip bone and pulling the fabric down and off your legs, his tongue darting to the corner of his mouth with a smirk as he realised just how ready for him you were.

Impatiently, you moved forward and pulled Bucky's mouth to yours, all tongue and teeth and he only pulled away to rid himself of his boxers before he tested the waters with his finger against your core. You gasped at his touch and he pushed his finger further into you but you grabbed at his wrist in protest.

"Bucky, I'm gonna need you to do more than that." You panted, your lips finding his neck as your hand reached for his length and pumped a few times, directing him to your entrance. Bucky got the hint and if he was being honest, all he wanted at this point was to feel you around him.

He took over from you and lined himself up, his tip brushing against you before you connected and he pushed into you slowly, giving you both the time to adjust to the sensation. He knew it wouldn't take much for him to find release that first time and you'd lost count of how many times he'd warned you of that and how many times you'd said it didn't matter, that you would find what worked for you both in time. You just wanted him to feel good.

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