A Semi-Stable 100 Year Old Man

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New Year's Eve was a quiet affair for you and Bucky. While Tony insisted on his usual glitz and glamour party in the compound's event space, the two of you holed up in Bucky's room with take-out and a chick-flick marathon. Bucky let you choose and rolled his eyes at every choice when you'd show him the trailer first, but you knew he secretly enjoyed the meet-cutes and generic rom-com tropes.

January, as always, felt like it would never end and you were busy preparing to transfer back to Sunrise. And even though Fury had signed Bucky off, you still had a few loose ends to tie up so there was an official paper trail of your work with him.

Bucky also had conditions he had to meet seeing as he wasn't becoming an Avenger and would be classed as a normal citizen. Weekly therapy and meetings at the VA were obligatory and Fury would have regular communication with both to make sure he was adjusting to civilian life well. The only difference being he would still be under SHIELD's protection and if he chose at some point to become an Avenger, his status would automatically change and he'd have to undergo combat training again.

Steve had also been in contact with T'Challa in Wakanda about freeing Bucky of the Winter Soldier once and for all. He knew Bucky was apprehensive of living a normal life, as much as he wanted it more than anything. But with HYDRA's trigger words still embedded in his brain, he didn't want to take any chances. That was all set to take place in February and it gave you ample time to prepare for Bucky's 100th birthday in March while he was away.

Things were looking up.


"Shuri said it would only take a few weeks right and he'll be up on his feet ASAP?" You asked Steve as he did last-minute checks on the jet.

"Yes, Y/N. She has the technology and the know-how. Will you please stop worrying." He sighed. He wasn't frustrated per se, but you'd been fretting about Bucky's procedure for weeks now and he knew it came from a place of love but my goodness, you just did not stop.

"Baby, I'll be fine." Bucky appeared from inside the jet hangar, holdall in hand. Your lips turned into a small smile at the sound of him calling you baby. It was a relatively new development and you'd almost dropped your panties there and then when he'd first used the term of endearment.

In fact, you were almost dropping your panties at just about everything he did but Bucky had insisted he wanted to wait until his mind was fully his again. And until you moved back into your apartment - the thought of having sex with you at the compound gave him the heebie-jeebies. He had never been shy about it before the war, usually leaving a sock on the apartment door and making Steve wait in the hall until he was done. But he hadn't done it since those days and he couldn't think of anything worse than making love to you for the first time while his best friend - and your ex sex pal - was just downstairs.

Steve wandered off to get the jet ready to go, leaving you alone with Bucky. Neither of you would deny that you lived in each other's pockets nearly 24/7, and you'd both been trying to not think about the fact that you'd be without the other's company for three weeks. Now the day of his departure had snuck up on you and you had to face the inevitable first goodbye of your relationship.

Clinging to him tightly, you buried your face into his broad chest as he brought one hand up to tenderly stroke your hair while his other arm snaked around your waist, holding you to him securely.

"Gonna miss you." You mumbled against his shirt, your words barely understandable but Bucky got the gist.

"You too, doll. Not gonna miss your burnt pancakes though." He chuckled softly, moving your face away from him gently so that he could look at you.

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