Merry Fucking Christmas Captain America

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"You're going to SHIELD today right?" Bucky asked, hobbling into the kitchen. He refused to use the crutches Bruce had provided, in true Bucky Barnes fashion. And to be fair, his ankle was nearly healed thanks to the serum running through his veins but that didn't stop you panicking every time he was too careless, doing something stupid like leaping over the back of the couch because he couldn't be bothered to walk around the piece of furniture like a normal human being.

"Yeah, don't worry I won't leave you here alone for too long." You smiled, finishing up your scrambled egg just as Bucky appeared behind you, snagging the last slice of toast from your plate.

"Oh, I'm coming with you. I need to talk to Fury." He said, chomping on the toast with no care for the fact that you could see the entire contents of his mouth as he spoke. You grimaced at the smushed bread, happy that he was so comfortable in your presence but wishing he would eat with his damn mouth closed.

"You do know that's not gonna happen without an appointment, right? You can't just go waltzing into his office."

"Watch me." Bucky grinned. "Be ready to leave in ten." He sloppily pressed his lips to your temple and left the room.

Sam went back to eating his breakfast, he'd been sat silently observing the interaction and honestly, you'd forgotten he was even there. As soon as Bucky had walked out he looked to you, his lips stretching into a shit-eating grin.

"I knew it."


"Just sign and date here, here and here." Alex pointed to the dotted lines on the first of many documents you needed to put your signature to. Signing off on aid packages and a task force for a relief project that should have started months ago.

"What is the date today?" You asked, each day had been rolling into the next with no real significance since you'd been at the compound, going months without having to know the date each day.

"December 22nd."

"Shit, is it that close to Christmas already?" You laughed, scrawling your name across the paper.

"Got any plans?" Alex asked. She placed another document in front of you and your eyes briefly skimmed the details about funds going towards a clean water system.

"I would have gone home for the holidays but my parents are on a Christmas cruise, whatever that entails. So it's Christmas at the compound for me."

"And I couldn't be happier about it." Bucky appeared in the doorway of your office, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, black gloves adorning his hands even though everyone at SHIELD knew about his arm. He was wearing his favourite black leather jacket and black fitted jeans that hugged him comfortably in all the right places. The ensemble made you want to do things highly inappropriate for the office setting you were currently in.

"Well if it isn't James Barnes in the flesh and metal." Alex's eyes lit up at the sight of the super solider and he blushed profusely at her lingering gaze before meeting your eye and subtly winking at you. Alex had been a flirt for as long as you'd known her, she'd tried it on with Steve countless times whenever he happened to be in the building and would drop by to say hi. You didn't expect anything less with Bucky in tow. "Well, are you going to introduce me?" She asked, nudging you in the arm.

You rolled your eyes and placed the pen down on the desk. "Bucky this is Alexandria Le Wilts, she's been my deputy and right-hand woman since I started Sunrise."

"Nice to meet you," Bucky responded politely. "You almost done, doll?" His attention back on you instantaneously. Alex raised her eyebrows at the term of endearment and you chose to ignore the gesture as she handed you the last two documents.

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