The Happy Hammock

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If there was one thing you were grateful to Tony Stark for, it was the number of cosy spaces he'd managed to incorporate into the otherwise high-tech and sterile feeling compound. Aside from the bedrooms and living spaces, there were various nooks and crannies where a comfy armchair or two had been placed, usually by a window with a view out onto the lush woods surrounding the grounds.

It was one of these spaces that you'd usually find yourself in with Steve whenever you visited during your time helping him. Today you found yourself in your favourite armchair with Bucky sat beside you. Your initial plan was a walk around the grounds and a general chat about how he was doing but the rain had scuppered that idea pretty quickly.

It had been three days since you'd arrived and so far, no nightmares. But also, no dinners together since that first evening. Rome wasn't built in a day, but you were still disappointed.

"So, how have you settled in?" You asked, clasping your coffee in your hands for warmth. Bucky looked up at you from the book on his lap.

"Didn't you ask me that when we first met?" He replied, an inkling of a smile on his lips.

"I did, and if I remember correctly, you never actually answered."

A soft laugh escaped Bucky's lips and your heart fluttered at the new sound.

"It's been okay. Most people were so nice when I arrived. It was great at first, but it started to hit a nerve every time some offered me a pity smile so I tend to avoid them now. Apart from Steve, obviously."

"And has that helped?" You asked, watching as Bucky's gaze lifted to the rain outside. The sun was trying to break through the clouds but every time it did, it was hidden by a mass of grey again.

"Not really." He sighed and rubbed his fingers over his ever-growing stubble in thought. "Steve mentioned something the other day, I think he used the term social butterfly. He was trying to trigger some memories from before the war and he said I used to drag him out dancing every weekend. I tried to remember, but it just doesn't sound like me. And I didn't tell him this, but it kinda made me feel bad about hiding from everyone now."

You studied his features as he spoke, his eyes pained as they glazed over and a tear caught in his eyelashes.

"You've been through some pretty heavy trauma, Bucky. It's not unusual to withdraw yourself from everything around you."

"It might not be unusual but that doesn't mean I like it." Bucky stood from his chair, running his hands through his hair as he walked closer to the window.

You moved to stand next to him and let the silence take over for a moment. It was still raining but the clouds had started to clear, fresh air would probably do you both some good. Looking up at Bucky, you suddenly realised just how tall he was, his broad frame towered over you as you stood side by side. Most people would probably find it intimidating but you felt the same as you did whenever Steve stood by you, an overwhelming sense of being protected. As Bucky caught you studying him, he met your gaze with sad eyes and you tentatively reached out your hand.

"Maybe we should go for that walk after all." You smiled and he hesitated for a moment but ultimately let himself take your hand. If Steve trusted you to get him to where he is today, he owed it to himself to do the same. As you headed out of the small alcove, Bucky dropped his book on the chair to collect later. The sound of the thud made you stop and turn, gesturing to the copy of The Hobbit that now sat on the patterned fabric as you gave his hand a squeeze.

"You can bring the book."


Outside, the rain had lightened along with the sky. The August air was still warm despite the downpour and you had shed your cardigan, tying it around your waist as you walked. You strolled with Bucky along the outskirts of the compound perimeter, just at the point where it merged from a neat, uniformed lawn to overgrown woodland.

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