The Guacamole Thief

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"Mmm, good morning."

Your eyes fluttered open at the feel of soft lips against your bare shoulder and you turned your head to catch a glimpse of Bucky pressed flush against your back. His hair tickled your skin as he worked his way down your arm, making sure he covered every space with a kiss.

"Morning, doll." He murmured, only pulling his lips away from your body long enough to reply before they continued along your arm. When he reached your wrist, he brought your palm to his mouth, planting a final kiss as you shuffled around to face him, cupping his stubbled cheek with your hand.

He studied your face, eyes tracking across your features before settling on your lips and his blue irises vanished beneath the darkness of his pupils as they grew with lust. Without another word, Bucky flipped you onto your back, moving to hover over your naked body as his lips captured yours in a kiss that set your heart racing and warmth grow between your legs. Your hands wound themselves in Bucky's hair, pulling slightly as he bit at your bottom lip before running his tongue across it, earning a whimper from you and a gruff moan from him.

Bucky's mouth left yours and his tongue traced along your jaw as he made his way beneath the covers, his lips never leaving your skin. As he reached your breasts, he took his time tending to each one, setting your skin on fire as you moaned and writhed beneath him, growing impatient as you waited for him to finally reach your core. He kissed at your abdomen before moving back further, nipping at the skin of your inner thighs and swirling his tongue over the spots where he'd left a mark before finally-


Your eyes flew open and your hand shot out from under the duvet, slamming against the alarm clock, missing it the first time but silencing it with a second violent bash of your fist. You lay there, clammy and breathless as you closed your eyes again and tried to get back to where your dream had left off but it was no use. You were awake and in desperate need of the finish your alarm clock so rudely deprived dream you of getting.


You ran your hands over your face in exasperation and climbed out of bed, deciding to take your alone time to the shower and away from the excellent hearing of the man next door.

It had been two days since you'd spoken to Wanda about your potential feelings towards Bucky and it was like a switch had flipped in your brain, he was all you thought about. He consumed your dreams, both of the day and night variety and you'd had to excuse yourself at dinner when his leg rested a little too comfortably against yours and he slung his arm over the back of your chair casually as you chatted with Nat and Bruce. Both were very innocent actions that had sent your insides into a frenzy.

One very satisfying shower later, you were dressed and ready for the day. You'd opted for your favourite denim mini skirt, tights and ankle boots and paired it all with a simple thin knit jumper, preparing for the journey you'd be making to the grocery store in October's chillier weather. It was your week to shop and you were looking forward to some time away from the compound by yourself, to clear your head and get your thoughts straight.

Making your way to the kitchen, you stopped outside your door briefly and out of habit listened for any sign of life from Bucky's room. It was pretty early, and you figured if he wasn't in bed still, he'd be in the gym with Steve and Sam.

In the kitchen, you found a half-written list full of people's requests for the week. Each person's handwriting was distinguishable and you chuckled as you saw Sam's very polite demand for a specific brand of almonds. Weren't almonds just, almonds? With a shake of your head, you started with the fridge, checking use by dates and half-opened containers for anything funky.

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