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We are shipping the characters not the irl people.

We don't tolerate any toxicity in the comments if you don't agree with this ship thats your opinion don't bring others down.

Tws for the book:
Mentions of sexual assault, gore, self harm, self hate, rape, nightmares, mentions of drinking, abuse, panic attacks, abuse homophobia, mentions of drowning, burns, suicidal thoughts and a eating disorder. if there are more they will be listed on the chapter.

This is being writen by 2 writers!!


3rd pov

Techno sat on the couch. He was completely bored out of his mind but at the same time had plenty to do. He heard the soft foot steps of his father entering the living area.

"Techno can you do me a favor" Techno looked at Phil with curiosity. "Sure what do I get out of it" Techno asked. Phil smiled "can you babysit tommy, tubbo and ranboo for me?" Phil paused. " I'll pay you 20" Techno smiled. "Sure thing phil". Techno replied

" your going to have to go to puffys". Techno sighed he knew ramboo felt more comfortable there sence that's tubbos house but dream was most likely going to be there.

You see, Techno and Dream we're rivals but Techno developed feelings for Dream after a party when they played truth or dare and as you'd expect techno was dared to kiss Dream, he was put under alot of peer pressure that night, everyone kept shouting "CHICKEN!"and said if he didn't do it, it was because he had feelings for Dream.

Techno swallowed his anxiety and did it anyways he wouldn't lie, dream was attractive his freckles danced perfectly across his nose and lead onto his cheeks, his dirty blonde hair complemented his freckles and his jaw line was beautifully defined, to complete the look he had the most perfect green eyes that almost seemed to be glowing.

and Techno hasn't seen Dream since that party, yes it was only two days ago but still, that kiss made him question his sexuality and he hasn't stopped thinking about him since.

Techno secretly hoped he would be there, even as rivals Techno liked dream. He couldn't control it he feel in love with the blond. Techno often found himself day dreaming about the dirty blond. He longed to see him.

He wished to his bright green eyes. He wished to run his fingers in his wavy hair. He thought it was weird at first because he never felt this way for anyone.

He only ever felt the dancing butterflies with dream. He knew some people deemed it as wrong but he couldn't control it he found him self repeating these thoughts.

Techno sighed thinking about the long nights he would think of different scenarios of ways he would meet dream how he would challenge him. Techno stared at the ground completely zoning out.

"TECHNO!" Tommy shouted down the stairs of the house, Techno looked up jumping in surprise "yea?" Techno answered.


Techno winced at how loud Tommy was but just replied with a a simple "alright" and grabbed his backpack to start packing for the long two days to await him.

He walked up the stairs and went to his room starting to gather things he thinks he'll need. "Ok so I need a charger, a spare pair of clothes, a hoodie incase it's cold, my tooth brush and uhh...I'm definitely forgetting something" Techno mumbled to himself as he rummaged around his room trying to figure out what he was forgetting.

"ugh.. it can wait till tomorrow it's already 11pm" techno groaned after shoving everything into his bag and plopping onto his bed going onto his phone for a bit until he fell asleep.

Techno woke in a dark room the ceiling driped a dark substance. It was pitch black it coated everything in the room. The drips came slowly confusing techno on how he got here.

A small sound of dripping could be heard in the room. Aswell as technos soft breathing. His breaths got louder as the room started caving in. The ink substance covered his clothing. It filled up to his neck.

Technos mind could only think of being drowned in this ink. Tears covered his crimson eyes. He tried his best to stay above the ink but he got tired. He let go and fell through the ink.

When he did he woke with a start his breath was quick but calm. His ears rang. He checked his body for any sign if the black liquid in nothing. He relaxed and took a deep breathe. Today would be a long day.

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