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Techno and Tim walked into the house, Tim throwing Techno some worried glances but Techno payed no mind to it. When they sat at the table Puffy had a fully prepared dinner sitting Infront of them, its smells travelling through Technos body persuading him to try it. Dream motioned Techno to sit beside him on one side of the table while puffy and Tubbo sat across from them and Tim sat at the top of the table.

"So how was your day with Tommy tubs?" Tim questioned raising an eyebrow and swirling the spaghetti Bolognese on his fork, bringing it up to his mouth to chew. "Oh! It was great" Tubbo smiled beginning to ramble about playing house with Tommy and playing hide and seek, emphasising on how he won by hiding in a box. Puffy and Tim laughed at the boy. Dream looked at Techno, watching him uncertainly eye the bowl of food Infront of him "I promise puffy didn't poison it" Dream joked making Techno huff out a little laugh

"I'm sure she didn't..." Techno nodded while closing his eyes. Tim, Puffy and Tubbo continued to talk about their days to eachother and Dream took advantage of the noise to make sure Techno was ok "hey, is everything alright? I heard a good bit of what happend outside, you know you can talk to me, right?" Dream whispered placing his hand on Technos hand, which was situated on his thigh, making Techno tense. "Mhmm, everything is fine..." Techno said, moving his hand away from Dreams to grip the fork and spin the food around his plate.

You know that feeling where everything is going great but it doesn't seem real. Like everything you do feels like a dream or a video being filmed for a movie. One hundreds of people view. One that they point and laugh at every little mistake you make.

That was the feeling techno had in his stomach. He felt so happy but he knew it wouldn't last he would have to see Mr brown eventually, but for now he was going to just enjoy it whole it lasts even if every moment feels so horrendous.

Even if it seems to cliché. Even if his story seems to just be another left to be replaced eventually. His story may end here, but it still continues. His pain, his regret his happiness,

Aswell as his anger, sorrow and regret, his envy and joy they will all continue to flourish just as long as his story is still being written.

This story may not be the happiest or the most real sounding but as long as technos story is beign written by the universe thus story will get sadder and sadder and its best to leave it on the note that Techno did find happiness in his sad dark sorrowful world.

He found it in the darkest places, he found hope he found his dream life. He found his happiness. Techno found a family that supported him and genuinely cared.

Thats how this story will end. Thats the last music note, that's the last of this story for now.

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