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Dream pov /3rd

Dream had been sprinting for 10 minutes, his thoughts spiraling, he nearly raped  Techno, how could he? All he was doing was hugging him, he was so  sick with himself, he sexual assaulted Techno Blade, he unconsensually touched him, he kept doing it even tho he was crying, begging for him to stop, he was turning into georg- ... He stopped his thoughts right there, was that true? Was he really turning into him? Was he really turning into that manipulative, abusive and alcoholic ex? What was he supposed to do?

He stopped running, catching his breathe, he looked at his surroundings trying to see where he ran, he was in a park... Oh... He was at the park 2 minutes away from his school, he sat on the bench trying to make sense of his thoughts, this park was where he began his rivalry with Techno Blade.

this park is where at the end of 7th grade they swore a rivalry in sports and academics this is where it all began, this is where the childhood best friends became rivals this is where they drifted apart .... This is where he realized he had feelings for the pinky... this is where he decided he wanted to distance himself... And this is where he went after sexually assaulting him... He was the scum of the earth.... How could he?

The thoughts raced in his mind he hurt the person he loved. He had became the person who made a year of his life a living hell. Dream knew he had no right in asking techno about it in the first place he had no idea why he wanted to ask. Why he had been so worried. Technos words haunted him. Who did that to him who hurt him. Dream wanted to hurt them.

He wanted to hurt them as much as he hurt techno. The poor pinkette. Tears stained his face as he thought about what he did he regretted it. As much as he wanted to kiss him  he knew it was wrong to do it without concent. Techno ahd every right to hate him. To throw him away like the trashy person he is. Is lungs felt raw as he breathed the cold fall winter air. The tears felt like hot wax as the trailed his face. Small needles attacked his skin.

He wrapped his arms around himself. As much as he wanted to go back he didn't want to face techno. He didn't want to face what he did. He wanted techno to be happy not hurt even worse. Sure they were rivals but that dosent mean he has to hate techno right?

3rd pov/techno pov

Techno woke up to a nightmare once again, but this nightmare was a bit different, the ink formed hands and it was touching him, the black ink formed a clone of dream and his teacher and they were both feeling him, pushing him under the ink, he wasn't able to breathe and that's how he woke up hyperventilating, he grabbed his throat and let out a sigh of relief... Thank God it was a nightmare.

He did his usual routine of brushing his hair and getting dressed, he then went to the bathroom and washed the dried blood off of his face, his nose must've continued to bleed in his sleep. He made sure to put his spare black hoodie he packed on, it didn't look to bad over his grey sweatpants. He made his way downstairs only to see Tommy, Tubbo and ranboo all curled up together on the couch fast asleep.

he smiled a genuine smile, they were such good kids. He walked into the kitchen and looked for ingredients to make them a nice breakfast after what they had to deal with yesterday, he ruined their sleepover the least he could do was make them a good breakfast.
he found eggs, milk, butter, flour and baking powder and began making them pancakes.

while the batter cooked he looked through the fridge and found Nutella fresh strawberries, perfect! Once all the pancakes cooked he stacked them in a pile that had three each and decorated them with Nutella and strawberries, the sweet smell the pancakes gave off woke up the three kids and they groggily made the way into the kitchen, all their eyes lighting up with happiness at the sight of pancakes before them "TECHNO, THANK YOU!" all three boys shouted at once making Techno smile "bon appétit!" He cheered, the boys took that as a signal to start eating.

After the meal there was a knock on the door techno opened it finding puffy at the door smiling. She hugged techno thanking him repeatedly. "It wasn't a problem" Techno lied again. Tubbo ran to his mother and hugged her tightly "did you have fun mum" puffy smiled down to her child. "

I did honey bee" tubbos smile grew. "Thank you again techno I hope they weren't to much of a bother tubbo can be quite a handful". Tubbo giggled. Tommy ran in happily ranboo trialing behind. He was obviously tired. Tommy hugged tubbo and looked at techno "do we have to leave now?" He asked sadly. Technks heart sank. He didn't want to make his brother sad but he had to go home.

"I'm sorry bubs we have to" Tommy frowned and hugged tubbo tightly and hugged ranboo. He waved his friends goodbye. Techno held Tommy's hand as they walked home.

Techno let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding after they turned the corner away from puffys house, Tommy looked at him, questions written all over his face "what's on your mind Toms?" Techno question, Tommy sighed  "Techno... What did Dream mean when he said you're a 'typical gay boy' and why did he punch you" he frowned while looking at Techno... Techno tensed, he seemed to be tensing alot lately... "Well, Tommy I made Dream angry " he said, ... it wasn't completely a lie.. "how did you make him angry?" 

Tommy questioned again, he was going through his 'why?' stage "I.. I- ... I don't know what I said....I think I mentioned his ex-boyfriend? I can't rember..."  Tommy thought for a second and then spoke again  "do you mean ex-girlfriend? Dad say boys aren't allowed date other boys and girls aren't allowed date other girls..." Techno internally panicked "w-well Tommy... That's what gay means...a boy liking another boy... romantically..." 

Tommy cringed at Techno "so that means they're bad people? Cause dad says they're bad so they must be! Dad never lies!"  Techno looked at Tommy and couldn't help how his stomach dropped and how he felt sick... Before he could answer they were back at their house and Tommy had already knocked on the door.... Techno just hoped Tommy kept his mouth shut.


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