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Tw mentions of sh and blood


Techno took the blade to his skin drawing the crimson liquid it slowly feel from each cut he watched as it feel driving into the marble sink.

His head was full of cotton and bricks voices yelled in his head some sayign saying continue some telling him to stop he cut a few more times nothing to deep but enough to cause bleeding

. He covered the cuts with gaze and put on a velvet hoodie. Making sure to cover the cuts. They stung liek cuts do. Techno let out  a single tear. It left a trail along his face. He sighed and wiped it gently. He cleaned the sink off leaving nothing to show he had cut.

He cleaned the blade and put it back in it hiding spot techno walked out of the room slowly his hair driped the cooled water to the floor. The steam fromt he shower poured for the room into the cold hallway. Sending a shiver down his spine.

Techno went to his bedroom and fixed his hair drying it carefully. He brushed out the knots and made the pink hair smooth. He sighed when he heard soft foot steps in the hall.

Techno heard a knock on the door  followed by the voice of Phil "hey tech Mate are you alright? You were in the bathroom for longer than usual, can I come in?" Phil asked.

Techno stiffened at his words, what if he knew what he did? What if he heard him crying? What if he left blood in the sink? Technos breathing quickened and his hands began to shake.

He knew if he said no Phil would be suspicious so he answered with a rushed "just getting changed one minute!" And started looking through his wardrobe for jeans to wear, he found black ripped ones and quickly threw them on, they went decently his hoodie.

He then told Phil he could come in "hey mate.. you good?" Phil questioned once again, Techno felt his hands trembling but decided to sit on his bed and grip his bed sheets "y-yea I'm fine, why you asking?" Techno stuttered while avoiding eye contact, god damnit why was he always so guilty?

  "You sure mate? I'm nearly positive I heard you cry in the shower " Phil's stated while pointing towards the bathroom with his thumb, techno let out a sigh of relief, going unnoticed by Phil, thank God it was that and not anything else.

Techno had become good at lying to people's faces throughout the years so he looked at Phil and used his anxiety as a cover-up, it wasn't a lie, just wasn't the whole truth. "Oh yea... I just got a bit overwhelmed thinking about having to deal with three demon kids.

what if one of them gets hurt, ya know? " Techno said Phil just nodded his head believing him, Techno was diagnosed with anxiety when he was 11 so Phil was used to helping Techno with his anxiety and panic attacks,

"oh ok, tech, rember if you need anything or ever wanna talk just call me ok?"  Phil said rubbing soothing cricles on Technos back, Techno had to force himself not to flinch at the contact, "ok dad, thanks".

Techno spoke with a slight smile on his face Phil patted his back and walked out of the room, not before turning his head and telling Techno again "don't forget, need anything just call for me, ok?"

Techno nodded his head and asked Phil to close the door on his way out, letting out a sigh of relief, it wasn't that he didn't trust Phil, he just wanted to be perfect in his dad's eyes.

Even if he knew he was far from it he continued to pretend. He continued to puffys house. His nerves were going nuts.

He was nervous about dream being there but then again he would probably lock himself in his room and study for anything. Whether it was a test or a simple quiz.

Dream would study techno wasn't any different they had made sure to beat eachother no matter what. Techno kicked a small rock.

It danced as he walked. When he reached the house he knocked softly. "Oh hi techno thank you for coming" her soft smile stayed on her face.

"Make sure tubbo dosent have to much sugar and if Tommy's blood pressure drops have him a coke and ranboo won't need much" Techno nodded already knowing Tommy's.

Puffy welcomed him into the house he was meet with a hyper tommy hugging him excitedly as thus was his first sleep over. Tubbo shouted "TOMMY!!" He hugged the young blond.

Techno spotted a boy with split hair in the background. He was clearly nervous. Tubbi pulled tommy over to ranboo. Techno smiled a genuine smile at the three. "Dream will be locked in his room most of the time so don't worry about him" Techno nodded. This was going to be a long day.

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