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Techno suddenly felt so small as if he could be crushed right there. He would probably let it happen. " i know you won't forgive me but im so sorry" he said. Techno felt anger. He wanted to hit dream right then in there but he knew he couldn't. "You're are sorry?" He spoke angry. "YOU'RE FUCKING SORRY?" He yelled making everyone miles around hear. "YOU FUCKING MADE ME HAVE A PANIC ATTACK BUT A SORRY WILL FIX IT?" He yelled agian.

Dream let it happen he knew he was in the wrong. "Dream you realize I loved you and then you did that right?" He spoke tears filled his eyes. Drema spoke no words. He didn't know techno liked him like that. "I fucking loved you but you hurt me I don't know if I should still love you but I fucking do" he spoke sniffing a sob.

"I've been scared to be me for 16 FUCKING YEARS 16" tears ran down. "I thought I deserved every second of it, I just wanted to know what was so wrong with me that I deserved it that I realized..." he paused for a breath. " Its because I am a screw up" he said in a shaky voice. "Techno your not you beautiful and perfect I was just to scared to admit it"

Techno looked at dream and scoffed. "You know what happened last time someone said that to me? Huh? Well I was fucking raped Dream, I'm not falling for anymore stupid tricks, if I can't have my body for my own then no one will have it. I'll fucking kill myself before I ever let someone touch me again."

Dreams face paled at Technos words but he just nodded and got on his knees Infront of Techno. leaving roughly 1 meter between them. "Listen, Techno.... You might think that, but I don't. I genuinely think you're beautiful, you are like a person you'd see at an airport or on a holiday and not be able to get off your mind for years.

you're practically a goddess. You're the most handsome, smart, skilled person I have ever met, your body is your own. Your running away from me for the past half hour prooves it. I love you too." Dream said with sincerity in his voice, attempting to add a bit of humour to the situation with the last bit he said, letting out a small breathy laugh.

Techno looked at him, and the tears that had been accumulating in his eyes finally spilled, and they didn't stop, he began to hiccup and tryed rubbing the tears from his blurred vision. "Really.....?" Techno questioned, sounding so utterly broken that it made dreams heart shatter. "I promise...I'm sorry for everything. Ive always loved you so much.....

I'd die for you pinky"  dream said softening his gaze and opening his arms in a welcoming manner. Techno didn't question anything and scrambled straight into dreams arms. Rubbing his eyes on Dreams iconic green hoodie and tightly hugging him , as if his life depended on it. Which realistically it did. It felt that Dream was all Techno had, and Techno didn't know what he'd do without him at this stage.


Dream felt horrible for what he did he knew he was in the wrong. Maybe when techno is more comfortable we could talk about it. He couldn't help but want to hurt him. He wanted to hurt him and then take care of him. His messed up thoughts made him cringe. He couldn't hurt him.

He's to beautiful to hurt. If he hurt him it would break dream. He wanted to protect him not hurt him. Skeep and bad hurt him they yelled at him made him scared.

Now they were going to have to feel scared. He didn't want techno going back to them he knew skeppy was his friend he wouldn't hurt him but he would hurt bad.

He was the reason techno was so scared. It's his fault that techno was taken away. His fault that technos so scared to be with skeppy. Dream held techno where they stood. He tighter his grip softly he didn't want to let go of him. He wanted him to stay and not leave. Not again, not like last time.


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