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3rd/techno pov

When techno got home tommy ran to Phil and hugged him tightly. Techno continued to worry Timmy would say something. It made his stomach turn with the thought he felt sick. He sat on his bed staring at the wall. His mind raced at unhuman speeds.

He heard loud quick footsteps racing to his room. He panicked. His breath hitched when Phil walking with a angered expression "Techno explain" his voice was harsh and stern; "I-i I don't know what your saying" Techno slured his words quickly. His mine raced. "WHAT DID DREAM DO" Phil's voice grew louder with each word. "He did n-nothing" Techno was scared Phil already knew.

Phils angered expression was enough to strike fear into anyone's. Techno was stunned tears threatened to spill.

"Techno, tommy said dream hit you" Techno panicked what else did he say. " he didn't mean it" Techno spoke quietly. "HE DIDNT MEAN IT" Techno looked down in shame. " Techno I know you wouldn't back down from a fight what else did he do" Phil spoke claiming his tone. " h-he touched me" he was scared for his response. "If he did why didn't you fight?" Phil paused. "Has this happened before" Techno tensed at those words."who was it Techno". Techno looked up tears filling in his eyes.

"Mr b-brown" Phil froze Techno knew how good of friends the two were. "I'm so sorry Techno". Techno frowned. "Another thing tommy said dream called you gay" Techno froze in fear. "Are you gay Techno" techno thought about lying by Phil always seemed to know if he lied about these things. "Y-yes" Phil stood there more angry then before. "Get out" "w-what" "GET OUT FAG" techno was confused but left in a rush grabbing nothing but his phone.

He ran as fast as he could down the stairs nearly tripping over his feet, he then grabbed his shoes and threw them on as he made his way to the door.
Just as he ran out the door he saw Mr. Brown getting out of his car, coming for one of his regular visits and Dream standing by the door his face pale and a look of regret covered all his features.

Techno quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and continued to run, until Mr. Brown grabbed his wrist making Techno stop mid run and spin towards him, "That excited to see me?" He growled huskily making techno tense, he felt his ex-teachers hands roam down his back and groping his ass.

he tried his best to push away from him but his grip was to tight, ... fuck fuck fuck not this... Not again... Techno struggled as best he could out of his hold until he felt another presence behind him, fuck is this where they both gang up ? Was this their plan all along? Were dream and Mr. Brown about to- his thoughts abruptly stopped when he noticed Mr Brown stumble backwards and his grip left him, he looked up only to see that Dream has punched him in the face.

Techno took the opportunity to run not without whispering a rushed "thank you.." and sprinting... Oh how he was grateful for being the basketball captain at this moment in time, within a minute he was already 3 blocks away from his hom- it's not his home anymore .... then the reality of what happend came crushing down on him.

He no longer had a place to call home his father the one he trusted kicked him out for loving the people he loves. His heart sank to his chest. His father... no Phil wasn't a father if he couldn't support him in the way he needed. He wasn't a father for techno. Not anymore. Tears feel from his eyes. He stoped and started to slowly walk. No longer running.

His lungs were raw as he panted for air. If someone from another perspective looked down at techno they would see him as a fragile teen that had gone through something small when reality he went through hell and back. He just was good at locking it up. Tears continue to fall from his ocean eyes. He had been crying often. It seemed that he was always crying.

He sighed as he walked. He had nothing but his phone and the clothes on his back. He had nothing Phil didn't even pay him for the babysitting. He continued to kick rocks on the side walk as he walked. He calmed down but tears still trailed down his face.

He must've been out for atleast 2 hours at this point, his phones time read '19:52pm' and it was begining to get cold and dark outside.

Techno shivered and held his arms close to himself, where was he supposed to stay for the night? Oh god he didn't have any clean clothes... He didn't get to wash the dirty feeling of being touched off of himself... Oh god... What was he gonna do when he has to go back to school in 1 week after summer break? Technos thoughts wandered as he subconsciously made his way towards the park he always sat in when he had bad thoughts... he made his way towards his favourite bench and sat on it, looking out on the lake thinking about everything when a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts "Techno, Hi! what are you doing out here at this time?" He looked up and met eyes with skeppy, the minute he made eye contact he broke out into tears, Skeppy ran over wrapping him in tight hug and let him cry it out.... This must be bad... Techno never openly cried...

Skeppy hugged him tightly feeling protective over his childhood friend. He knew techno to never ever not even if he had jsut seen someone die he wouldn't cry in public he would hide it, he was fearful that something had happened to someone.

Was tommy hurt? Was Phil okay? Techni flinched at each loud tone. These questions filled his mind. When techno calmed down skeppy spoke in a calm tone "what happened are you okay?" He asked the pinkette.

Techno mumbled softly. "Sorry I'd dint hear you pinky. "Phil kicked me out" he said as tears threatened to come. "Why you never do anything wrong that makes no sence" skeppy rambled on. "He found out skeppy". Skeepys eyes became wide. "Oh" he said softly. "I thought he would be supportive" he said. Skeppy felt sorry for the pinkette. "Do you wnat to stay at my place till you get Till in your feet".

Techno thought for a moment "if you don't mind could i?" Skeepy smiled. "Of course". The two made it to skeepys house. Techno saw a all to familiar sign; 'Lander steet'.The sign 'lander street' always made Techno feel warm and safe, it let him know he was accepted...

When growing up Phil had a wife called Kristen, she was Techno's mom but she was very sick and after giving birth to Tommy she passed away, Techno doesn't remember too much about her, only that she was really pretty and told him she'd accept him no matter what, now that he thinks back on it she probably knew techno was gay.

after all he knew himself when he was 10... He's now 17 and Tommy is 6... She's the one that helped him dye his hair pink and paint his nails... That's probably why Phil never questioned Techno keeping his hair pink or when he painted his nails, he probably saw it as Techno remembering his mother, he sighed remembering how Phil neglected him after Kristen passed away and nine year old him was left to look after Tommy.

It broke Technos heart when Tommy's first word was 'dada' and it was directed at him, he stayed up that night crying, feeling guilty that he stole the parental role from Phil, even though Techno raised Tommy by himself, until he was 3 years old that's when Phil got his bearings together and realized he can't grieve forever and that he had to look after his kids.

Techno shook his head coming back to reality and sighed, he zoned out again and Skeppy was at the door waiting for him to come in, not wanting to interrupt Techno's thoughts while he was in this depressive state...

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