
429 21 3

3rd pov

Techno picked up his phone and checked the time, it read '06:00am' he sighed and placed it down. At least he was up early so Tommy wouldn't be able to complain.

He walked over to the mirror in his room and looked at his reflection, he looked tired and his hair was extremely knotted he ran his fingers through  it wincing when they got caught on a big knot.

He quickly took his fingers away and grabbed his hair brush, brushing his hair till there was no knots and then he grabbed a towel heading to get a shower.

At least he would be awake and ready to go, once he entered the bathroom he placed his towel down and started taking off his clothes he stood back and let the water run until it was at a nice temperature and then he walked under letting out a sigh as the droplets burnt his skin.

he oddly enjoyed the sensation of the water basically cooking his skin, it made him feel clean and forget about what his teacher did to him in 8th grade, it made him feel sick, he could still feel his ghostly touches and how he warned him not to tell anyone or else or he'd say he only did it for attention.

which everyone would've believed at the time because that's when he started getting in fights at school, he remembered how his teacher asked him to stay after class and how his touches always lingered on him just a bit to long, he rembered when the teacher warned him to be quiet or he'd tell his dad and he rembered how he cried and how much he hated every moment of it.

He rembered it all so vividly, Techno let out a whimper and that's when he realized he'd slid to the floor of the shower sobbing as he relived those disgusting memories.

Tears ran down his pale skin the water burned his soft skin. He cried as quiet as he could. The hands continued to dance on his body.

He scratched his arm to get rid of the feeling. Wanting anything but the feeling to remain. He wanted to yell out for help as the hands touched. He hated it. He wanted it to stop.

The memory of the teacher sated in his mind painting a horrible picture. He continued to cry under the burning water. His eyes felt sore his lungs raw his eyes wouldn't allow anymore tears. Techno slowly stood up holding onto the wall for dear life.

His legs weak his arms sore. The scratches left small marks along his pal skin. His skin pale pink form the water. Techno gazed at his reflection seeing the same sad boy that wasn't brave enough to tell someone. And kept it inside. Not letting a single thing leave his mouth of the memories.

The memories remained cursing him to a undying  feeling the same pain over and over liek craving waves. Each  moment his teacher grabbed him and hurt him. He was only a child when he experienced pain. Only a child.

And that poor child in him still cried out, how could someone do that to a him? Why would they? Why did he deserve it ? The teacher said he deserved it everytime he done something bad to him, so it must be, no, HAS to be true..
Techno, using the wall to balance himself stepped out of the shower.

Turning of the hot water and shivering, he quickly dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist, grabbing his dirty clothes and throwing them in the wash basket heading back to his bedroom.

he laid in his bed staring at the ceiling for at least five minutes and then he checked his phone '7:30am' it read, oh no.. he spent a whole hour in the shower... Phil was gonna be so mad at him.

He quickly put his phone away and went back over to his mirror looking at how his skin was pink, so pink in fact it nearly looked red... He wondered if it would blister, he shook his head and grabbed clothes to wear for the day, he grabbed a pair of underwear and put them on quickly looking at his reflection in the mirror feeling guilty when he saw his fading scars on his thigh and feeling sick when he saw his whole body's reflection he thought he looked fat.

In reality you could see his ribs and how thin his arms were you could even see his hip bones, everytime his teacher would keep him after school he would always make comments on his body, about how he was a "little too chubby" or "how pretty he'd look if he were skinnier"  and his teacher then said he should stop eating so he'd be pretty for him.

the teacher went as far as to come over to him at lunch time and make sure he had no food saying "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" Techno gagged and started looking through his drawer to find his blade, he couldn't handle theese thoughts, not right now, especially when he was supposed to look after three kids later.

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