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Puffy gave a wave goodbye to the kids and whispered a "goodbye, thank you!" to Techno, he just nodded his head and said anytime continuing on his way inside the house "TECHNO!" Tommy and Tubbo shouted all at once.

"BIG BRO TECHIE THIS IS RANBOO!! YOU NEVER MET IN PERSON BEFORE !" Tommy shouted to techno while Tubbo eagerly nodded his head agreeing with Tommy " YES YES BIG BRO TECHNO THIS IS RANBOO SAY HI!! HE LIKES BALLS!" Tubbo said matching the same energy as Tommy.

techno looked dumbfounded and tried to hold in his laugh at what Tubbo said, he looked over at Ranboo and waved "hey ranboo! I've heard loads of great things about you from Tommy and Tubbo, it's great to meet you!".

Techno said in a soft voice with a smile on his face, Ranboo just stood and fidgeted with the front of his jumper "... Hello Mr Techno!" Ranboo eventually said finally gaining the confidence.

"Ok guys you have the house to yourselves I don't want to interrupt you guys playing so if you need anything just ask, also stay away from the knife, fork and spoon drawer, I don't forget what happend last time Tommy".

Techno said his voice going stern in a jokingly way making Tubbo and Ranboo giggle and Tommy huff out a breath of annoyance.

Techno walked into the living room and sat down on the chair crossing his legs and scrolling on his phone looking through Instagram and seeing people still talking about the party on Friday, he looked behind him after hearing Dream come down the stairs.

Dream store at Techno for a minute before bursting out in laughter, through his wheeze he tries to make out a sentence " I- I GUESS R-RANBOO ISNT THE ONLY WHEEZE ONE WHO LIKES BALLS, GAY BOY" Dream jeered.

Techno looked at him and scoffed, yes dream was attractive but jeez he is such a douche bag how could he fall for such an arsehole? He was disappointed in himself, he should've stayed at home instead of go to that party

As much as he regretted the party he did find out he was in fact not straight and confirmed his feelings for the annoying blond. "You seemed to like it too blonde" I spoke recalling the kiss.

Dream did infant enjoy it but pretended he didn't. Dream scoffed and grabbed something from the kitchen. He left as quickly as he came. Techno continued to scroll through the app.

He saw many posts but what caught his eyes was a tweet from a random person he didn't recognize. It stated ' I knew the two were gay for eachother like they are rivals yet they flirt left and right' technos face flushed at the comment. Was it that obvious? Techno heard a cry from the other room he jumped up from his seat heading to the room.

Techno threw is phone on the couch forgetting to turn in off as he ran towards the cry of pain seeing all three kids crying "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU OK??" Techno began to panic examining everyone one of the kids checking for blood or a mark, he couldn't find any of them "come on tell me whats wrong are you ok?!"

Techno questioned his hands begining to shake, he shouldn't have agreed to babysit what if one of them die? Ok so maybe that was his anxiety talking but he still was panicking, "is there anything I can do to help? What's wrong ?! Why are all of you crying?!"

Techno rambled, Tommy looked up through his teary eyes "i-i.." Tommy hiccuped "I hit my toe on the c-corner" Tommy cried, "aww no come here ..." Techno said picking Tommy up and rocking him in his arms "shh..shh your ok" Techno reassured, Techno then sat Tommy down on the couch and looked at Tubbo and Ranboo who were also crying
"Hey, hey... Shh what's wrong are you guys ok?"

Techno asked "T-tommy was sad so I was sad too!" Tubbo sniffled "and T-tubbo was crying so I cried" Ranboo answered bother of then justifying their crying , Techno couldn't help how His hand came to his mouth to cover his smile at how cute they were being "aww, you'll be ok come here.." Techno said lifting them both onto the couch to join Tommy who was now wiping his tears "is there anything I can do to cheer you guys up?".

Techno questioned hopeing he could cheer up the kids " DANCE!" "SING!" is what Tommy and Tubbo shouted in unison while Ranboo nodded his head smiling, Techno internally panicked "a-are you sure that's what you want not ice cream or something better?"

Tommy, Tubbo and ranboo shook their heads and started to tear up again "Ok ok fine I'll sing and dance for you...." Techno said swallowing his anxiety once again "what song ..." Techno asked them "I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT FROM MADAGASCAR!!" Ranboo shouted.

this time it was Tommy and Tubbos turn to agree Techno swallowed his pride and headed over to their TV going to YouTube and clicking on the first music video to pop up... Oh how he knew he'd regret this.

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