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Techno played the song not super loud but enough for the three boys to hear it. Tubbo jumped from excitement as techno pressed play.  Techno swallowed his pride and begun to do a silly dance and sing the lyrics to the boys. When he finished a wheeze could be heard from behind.

Dream stood there with a chip bag in hand and a phone up and recording. Dream continued to wheeze. Dream called down after what seemed like years. " just for you information pinky I got black mail on you" dream smiled slyly. Techno was scared.

Dream could ruin Techno just with a click of one button. "Whats he on about mr Techno?" ranboo spoke in a soft voice. Techno turned to them "don't worry about it okay" Techno spoke calmly. Techno shot daggers at dream. Dream only chuckled in response.

After Dream recorded Techno he went back up to his room laughing to himself while you could hear the audio "I like to move it move it" sound playing on repeat.

it gave Techno a headache and made his thoughts go haywire, what type things would he black mail him to do? What if he shows everyone? His reputation would be ruined he couldn't handle it he needed to get his blade he needed to- ... Oh.... So that's what he forgot to pack, of course.

Techno felt his leg begin to shake along with his hand and he begun biting his nails, a nervous habit he picked up when he was younger.

and he felt as if he couldn't breathe "mr techno are you ok?" Ranboo asked while looking at Techno, Tubbo didn't seem to know what was happening and Tommy knew what was happening all to well "Ranboo he's having Panic attack" Tommy said "make sure to not touch him can you go get me his phone ? " Ranboo obliged and got the phone that Techno forgot to turn off on the couch.

they were lucky he forgot to turn it off. Tommy grabbed the phone and looked through the contacts.

"where's Phil? ....THERE!" Tommy  exclaimed clicking the call button "come on pick up... Dad come on.." Tommy whispered noticing Technos breathing getting worse "Hey, Techno mate everything all right?"

"DAD! it's Techno he's having a panic attack again it seems so be pretty bad dad please I don't know what to do!?" Tommy briskly spoke "ok, Tom's, hand Techno the phone and go upstairs and get Dream! NOW!" Phil ordered.

Tommy ran up the stairs finding dreams room. He knocked loudly on the wooden door. Dream opened it. "Whats wrong toms" dream said recalling Tommy's worried expression. "Its techno he- he needs help".

Tommy spoke mixing his words. Dream moved quickly down the stares seeing the pinkette. Tubbo was on the phone with someone he assumed to be Phil.  "Whats wrong what happened" dream asked hastily worried for the pinkette. Tubbo handed the phone to dream Phil told him what to do.

Dream agreed. Dream hung up the phone and walked over the techno. He hugged him softly and ran his fingers through his long hair softly. "Its okay focus on my breathing" Techno complied and focused on dreams soft breathing.

Dream continued to run his fingers through his hair. Tubbo and Tommy watched. Ranboo say on the floor staring at techno.

Dream noticed Techno slightly flinch everytime his hands made contact with his scalp but he decided against mentioning it, after around five minutes of calming Techno down Dream decided it was ok for him to back away.

Techno looked dazed and he had tear streaks Staining his face, his long pastel pink hair was a mess and his eyes were red and puffy, Dream wouldn't lie, it made Techno look adorable but he'd never admit to that.

Dream turned to look at all three kids and asked them in a kind voice "What happened, why did he start having a panic attack?" Ranboo decided it was his turn to answer "he started breathing really unevenly when you left and then he started shaking".

Ranboo frowned at Dream after speaking waiting for an answer but was only met with silence
after a minute he finally spoke while staring directly at Techno "Tch... Typical fucking gay bitch acting like a big baby" he said only venom in his tone, all three kids looked at him with disbelief in their eyes.

Not fully understanding the insult but knowing it must've been bad with how Technos body tensed at the words, with that being said Dream went back up to his room, but before he was fully up the stairs he turned back and went into the playroom "oh and techno...."

Dream said a smirk plastered on his face "I got this on video aswell" he snickered hold his phone up to show Techno, making his tear stained face go pale... Oh how he felt sick

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