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Dream gently stood up while having Techno in his arms, careful not to drop him. "...Where are we going?"  Techno questioned in a tired tone his voice sounding dry and sore "I was going to take you somewhere we can relax, and, it's getting cold out, I don't want you getting sick" Dream answered in a kind tone, booping Technos nose as he spoke. Dream looked worryingly at Techno when he released himself from Dreams comforting grip after receiving no response

"....Ok..." Techno answered after a long period of silence "what's wrong? Don't you want to come to my house?" Dream asked making Technos head perk up and he began waving his hands infront of his fragile body "no no no no! It's nothing like that, I swear!" Techno hurriedly answered feeling fearful that Dream might be mad at him. "Hey,, its ok.. you can tell me what's wrong" Dream reassured him while sifting his eyes at Techno trying his best to seem genuine "well... I just-... UrgHhh words are so hard."

Techno spoke stumbling over his words, trying his best to find a way to phrase his words without seeming rude "I just.. how will your parents react? I've never met them before and... I assume your parents got sent home all the letters about our fights aswell? so I'm sure they won't be happy with me showing up at your doorstep acting like a stray dog...." Techno spoke fiddling with his hands awaiting Dreams answer.

Dream laughed a bit. "You did meet my stepmother so I think you will be ok." Techno looked confused. "Is puffy your step mother?" He asked. Drema let out a small laugh "Yeah but she looks like she could be my older sister" Techno laughed at this making dream laugh harder. "My dad isn't bad he's just has a few tough edges" he smiled. Techno nodded his anxiety still caused him to be nervous. What if they hated him?

He knew puffy was sweet but dreams dad. He hadn't seen him at all. He woudl definitely hate him. If it wasn't for him showing up randomly with his son it would be because he got dream into fights all the time.

Dream rubbed his thumb over technos hand softly as they arrived to dreams house. "Its ok you will do fine" he whispered before unlocking the door.

"Puffy I'm home!" He said in a cherry tone. Techno looked at the floor. "Oh hi honey, who's who's you?"  Puffy looked from the kitchen. From there rubbo poked out from the couch. "TECHNO" He yelled energeticly.

Tubbo practically leaped off the couch. He went to hug the pinkette. The pinkette flinched to his touch. Tubbo didn't notice but dream did. "I love you" he whispered softly. Technos heart melted at the words. He smiled and mouth "I love you too".

"Where where you techno. Tommy was so sad without you" he said with a frown.

"I've been away" I said very vaguely. " I'll tell tommy your herec he smiled "Ok little man" rubnos grin made Techno smile bigger than he already was.

Puffy turned and looked at Techno "hi Techno! I thought Phil said you were away ? I guess you're back! how was your holiday?" Puffy spoke trying to make a little conversation, Techno looked surprised and glanced at Dream looking for support on the answer when he heard keys in the front door move  "Dad! You're home, how was work?" Dream questioned as his dad walked in, his suit slightly creased and his glasses slipping off his nose, his light brown hair having grey streaks through it. "It was so tiring.

I got given a bunch of paper work for an up coming court case and the guy I have to defend is being held accountable for some horrible things .." dreams dad spoke stopping himself when he noticed the pink haired boy standing beside his son, he fixed his glasses and began to speak "Hello young man.

if I'm correct you must be Techno Blade? I rmeber you from Dreams sports tournaments, you made them so much more lively!"  Techno blushed at his words and looked at the floor again "u-uh thank you um- Mr Wastaken..." Techno spoke trying to be as respectful as possible " Oh no! Don't be silly young man, you can call me Tim! No need for formalities, youre my son's rival after all!" Techno looked up at the professional but tired looking man and answered him "oh, thank you sir- I mean Tim." Techno corrected himself

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