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Techno quietly scoffed to himself,  he trusted skeppy but he'd never tell him what was wrong he couldn't help but think skeppy was going to take advantage of him and bad would do the same.

He looked down to the plate of food Infront of him, he was pushing the food around the plate with a fork breaking it up into small pieces and spreading it around, making it look like he ate. "wow this tastes good."

Techno mumbled while pretending to chew so he wouldn't be too suspicious, Bad looked at Techno with a raised eyebrow and questioned him "what's it taste like ?" Techno visibly stiffened at those words but decided to play along "well, it tastes... good? I guess...?"

He said his voice sounding weak and unsure making Skeppy unknowingly giggle "Techno! He means what's the flavour like." skeppy smiled tilting his head slightly, Techno internally panicked and decided to take the comedian role "...yea and the flavour is good."

he deadpanned making Bad and Skeppy both burst out in laughter, Techno let a small smile grace his features enjoying the laughter that rang through the air and decided that would be his cue to leave "Welp I'm done now." Techno said raising himself from his seat "thank you for the great tasting food, is it ok if I use your shower Skeppy?"

Techno asked scraping his food into the bin, bringing his dishes over to the sink begining to wash them, giving Bad no time to question him any further about the food.

"Yeah I don't mind" skeppy awnsered with a smile. Techno nodded and headed to the living area grabbing clothes from his bag. He went in the shower undressing himself. He stepped in the shower turning on the warm water. Water trailed down his back. The burning feeling stayed on his back as he cleaned himself.

Techno wanted to cry at the feeling but no tears came. He wanted to but he knew skeepy would hear and he might end up telling bad. As much as techno wanted to tell him he was scared what if they didn't believe him. Would they think he lied and kick him out? What if their disgusted with him. Techno flinched at the thought.

  He finished his shower and walked out it. Steam filled the room aswell as the smell of soap. He wrapped a soft towel around his waist and walked out the room. 

Techno made his way towards Skeppys room where he left his spare change of clothes, just as he entered the bedroom he noticed Bad sitting on Skeppys bed while scrolling on his phone, Bad looked up at Techno after hearing the door creak slightly at his entrance.

Techno ducked his head and apologized "oh sorry Bad I'm just grabbing my clothes, I'll be out in a second- ..." Technos rambling  was cut short when he felt bad grab his arm tightly and forced him to look in his direction "what's this?" Bad all but growled at Techno while squeezing his healing wrist making Techno wince "what's what?" Techno asked, freezing when he saw what bad was talking about. "ARE YOU STUPID!?"

Bad screeched at Techno, making Him tug his arm out of Bads tight hold and stumble backwards and loose balance "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? ARE YOU AN IDIOT? WHAT ABOUT EVERYONE ELSES FEELINGS?!"

Bad continued making Techno push himself into the corner of the room, trying to make himself as small as possible while keeping himself covered with nothing but a singular towel, as Bad moved closer towards Techno to inspect his fresh and old scars.

Suddenly Skeppy burst into the room being taken aback by the sight of a trembling Technoblade scrunched up in corner of the room with nothing but a towel and tears standing in his eyes, while a fully clothed Badboyhalo stood above him looking extremely angry. Skeppy quickly ran Infront of Techno and threw his jacket at him.

Giving him something to cover himself with "WHAT THE FUCK BAD!" Skeppy shouted standing Infront of Techno and looking just as pissed- if not more than bad.

Y13"WHY DID YOU GRAB HIS ARM, YOU SAW IT WAS HEALING" skeppy yelled. The sounds of yelling filled technis ears the two continued to yell. Bad had good intentions just they weren't played in the right way.

Technos breathing begun to become faster. His chest felt tight as his throat begun to feel raw. His lungs felt full of fire. Tears trailed his face and covered his eyes. He couldn't see. He tried to stop his breathing from being so fast. He tried focusing but all he heard was yelling.

"CANT YOU SEE HE IS SCARED" skeeoy continued yelling. "I KNOW BUT-" bad was cut off by seeing a panicked techno. Skeppy Seeing his state he walked over to him hugging him and rubbing his back.

He didn't speak he just let techno cry it out. Techno choked back tears. Bad stood by the door. Him Seeing what he caused. He felt guilt spin in his gut as he saw techno cry. He knew he would be okay but he was scared. He was scared that he was the one that did this. Just a hour ago they were making jokes and smiling. Now they were in the cold room trying to calm the pinkette.

Technos breathing was uneven with hiccups but it had calmed down compared to what it was, his eyes had closed and his body had slacked, it was clear he had fallen asleep but Skeppy stayed with him on the floor for a little longer, wanting to make sure he got some rest.

he felt as if his best friend needed atleast a decent night's sleep after all the stress he had been put through lately, he waited for another two minutes before deciding he was safe enough to stand up, bringing him to his bed and tucking him in. Skeppy sat on the bed staring at Technos tear stained sleeping form.

deciding to not change Techno into his clothes and leave him as he is, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable when he wakes up. He sighed slightly and shook his head, standing up and heading towards the door to exit the room "skeppy.... I'm sorry, I genuinely didn't mean to scare him." Bad said sincerely, blocking the doorway. Skeppy didn't answer him and instead decided to try push past Bad, which was futile because Bad had a much stronger body than skeppy "skeppy please talk to me.... I'm really sorry"

skeppy glared at Bad and turned around walking back into his room and over to his desk, opening up his notebook and beginning to draw, trying to make his stress levels come down. "Skeppy, baby, don't give me the silent treatment." Bad asked.

it sounded more like a statement. Skeppy turned around and shot Bad the nastiest look he could muster and snapped at him "what the fuck bad! You know he's sensitive- I warned you before breakfast! and then You go ahead and pull this shit!? What the actual fuck I thought you were smarter than this, who the fuck in their right minds grabs someone's already bruised wrist and then starts screaming at them about their self harm scars!?

Not only that but he only had a towel on! I thought you knew better than this I'm so fucking disappointed, now please leave me alone before I say or do something I might regret." Skeppy angrily whispered at bad making sure to emphasize certain words.

Bad looked guilty but didn't leave "can we at least talk about it? I have some suspicions on whats wrong with him..." Bad questioned making Skeppy look at him " Bad we all have our fucking suspicions! And I don't care, we can talk about it anytime! We can later just not right now, I'll come to you when I'm ready ok? I love you." Skeppy snapped forcing out the last part, yes of course he was angry, but he couldn't make Bad think he didn't love him he just needed time to cool down, especially after the scene he just saw between his boyfriend and bestfriend

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