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Techno woke in the same black ink covered floor only this time the drips were loud and clear. He could hear yelling in a distance being drowned out from the sound if his soft breathing. Techno looked around it was peaceful. He knew what was going To happen he'd seen it a million times over and over again.

A arm grabbed his wrist roughly. Techno winced at the feeling.  He stood up trying to avoid the hand. Instead it followed  and formed another figure. Another showed up up time it looked like skeppy. It yelled at the person grabbing him. The arm let go softly, And walked to the other. The ink sinked to the floor, only for another figure to appear.

This one didn't have a face but he seemed familiar. The familiarity faded when they started to yell unclear words. Ink filled the room making techno panic. It reached his knees more figures appeared the original held a paper like image as they yelled. Two others begun to grab techno as they touched him. Techno was scared.

Un familiar faces appeared. His mind raced as ink filled higher. Techno tried to get away from their grasp only to fail and have only his head showing. Techno gasped for air as he was pulled under the thick black liquid.

His eyes burned with the feeling. All he felt was coldness. He feared he was going to die. Right before he gave up he woke up in a cold sweat. Tears running down his face. He looked around finding himself on soft bedsheets. His hair was a mess.the only sound was soft talking in another room.

Techno stood up on shaky legs and realized he was still only covered by a towel, he was greatful for tying it tightly around his waist.

He quietly looked around the room for his clothes finding them on the dresser while listening in on the conversation next door trying to make out the words they were saying, by the tone of the voices he was willing to bet it was bad and Skeppy but he couldn't make out any words.

he quickly got fully dressed and walked out the room, leaning against the guest rooms door listening to their conversation "ok Bad I'm ready to talk now, I'm not in a mad anymore I promise, what were the suspicions you had about Techno?" Techno stiffened at the mention of his Name but continued listening "well we both seem to know about his self harm which could very possibly mean he's suicidal, but I have another suspicion, did you notice how he flinches at everything? Not only that but those bruises in his body were disturbingly placed.

it was clear he had resisted and they were not in the most appropriate places- who has aggressively placed bruises in their inner thighs, their neck and their wrists? I think he might've been.... sexually assaulted or raped skeppy all the signs are there, also, he is unnaturally skinny I'm worried, it could be nothing but I feel sick thinking about it and I feel guilty not taking action."

Bad exsplained to Skeppy in the most concerned and sincere voice he had ever heard. Techno's gut wrenched at every word said except the last statement, Bad thinks he's skinny? Is he skinny? So he must be doing something right. The thought made him smile he was skinny.

Techno smiled to himself and tuned back into the conversation."I agree with everything Bad but what can we do? He won't tell us anything." Skeppy sighed defeatedly. Even though Techno was on the opposite side of the door he could basically sense the mood change when Bad spoke again "Here's the thing! I know this really good therapist I think might be perfect for Techno!" Bad exclaimed happily.

Techno tensed but continued listening "and what's this therapists name?" Skeppy questioned clearly not trusting bad "it's Eret!" Bad said and then Skeppy immediately agreed "I know him! He'd be perfect! You're a genius bad." Skeppy mused, Techno took this as his sign to leave and went back to Skeppys room.... Eret huh? This would be interesting....

Techno felt a wave of anxiety wash over him as he heard their words. The fact that their trying to  get him therapy, did they belive him? Or did they want him to get taken away. Techno didn't know who eret was but it sounded like they knew him well. Would they try hurting him? Thoughts kept racing his mind. Tears wanted to to come but they never did. His heart felt empty and his head hung low. He went back into the bedroom. He sat on the floor let out a few crys. He wanted to scream and yell. He wanted to break somthing. He wanted to throw anything. He just wanted to let it out. He was just scared he didn't want to become something like Mr brown or Phil. He didn't want to become somthing worse then his father. Maybe because he was scared that he would hurt someone. He hated that fact.

Techno needed to clear his mind, he didn't have his razor with him, bad and Skeppy must've hid anything possible of causing harm in Skeppys room because he couldn't find anything even after rummaging through the drawers, he could resort to slamming His fingers between the drawers but that would be to loud.

he gripped his hair and thought for a few minutes he needed to clear his mind he needed to do something to distract himself from this on coming panic attack. He went back over to his bag and pulled out his basket ball gear, he got changed for the second time that morning and put his shoes on, he grabbed his phoen and earphones and exited Skeppys room heading down the stairs.

he stopped at the bottom seeing Bad in the kitchen on the phone and Skeppy looking out at him with a questioning look "I need to clear my head skeppy, gonna go on a run like I always do, if you don't believe me, if I'm not back in an hour you can come look for me, AND I have my phone if you need to ring me ....." Techno explained while raising his hand showing Skeppy his phone, skeppy sighed and nodded his head "ok Techno... But only One hour, if you're not back by then I'm calling the police and coming to look for you." Skeppy said waving his hand in the air, letting Techno know he was free to go. Techno smiled "Thanks skeppy.

I promise" he responded in a soft voice exiting the house, putting his earphones in and stretching his leg muscles so he didn't injure himself.

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