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Techno heard his music play in his ears softly. He didn't sing to it. He was focused on not crying. He ended up bumping into someone. " I'm so sorry" he spoke as he turned around seeing Mr brown. He froze panic froze on his face. His eyes filled with fear. He was a deer in the head lights Mr brown smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile you would want to give the the holder a hug it was everything but.

He wanted to run but he was stuck. Mr brown grabbed his arm roughly. The same place bad did. Tears trailed his face. Techno struggled and tried pulling away from him. He was meet with failure. Tears soaked his face. "S-stop... let go-" his voice was cut off with the sound of sirens in the air. Techns eyes grew wide in fesr and shock.  "Let go of the boy!" A officer yelled causing techno to wince. Brown let techno go. His wrist burned. A woman walked to techno speaking in a soft voice. "Are you alright sir?" She asked. Techno nodded not trusting himself to speak. "Did you know the man" she asking once more "I-i do" I awnsered truthfully. She nodded writing something down.

"Were going to need you to come with us to the station for a report." She replied. Technis breath hitched. He nodded. Last time he was in a station was when he was 14, he tried telling them what was happening. They said he lied and they threw him out.

The car ride to the station was extremely uncomfortable for Techno, the woman police officer was sat alone in the front of the car driving, a cage separating her from the passengers in the back, Mr brown was handcuffed sitting in the back at the window and Techno was sat on the opposite side at the window, squishing himself up against the door as much as he possible could, every few moments looking over at Mr brown sometimes making eye contact.

When they made it to the station they took Techno to the lobby he saw skeppy sitting in one of the seats with bad beside, skeppy didn't waste a moment running over to Techno "I told you I'd ring the police if you weren't back in an hour!" Skeppy remarked making sure not to raise his voice, giving Techno a hug. the police woman unexpectedly spoke.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have to take the boy into questioning now, we are currently questioning the man he was found with in the interrogation room." Skeppy looked confused but just nodded and released Techno "what man?" Bad butted in making himself known "that is none of your concern unless you're a parent or guardian sir, of course the victim could always tell you after questioning if he chooses too, but that's his choice, now please excuse us."

She spoke professionally and began to walk off with Techno trailing behind her. When techno arrived to the questioning room it was intimidating to say the least, it was a small grey room with no decorations except for a table with two chairs on either side "you can sit down." The woman spoke as she sat down in the chair, motioning for Techno to sit.
she began to ruffle through her bag taking out a pencil and notebook and then looked at Techno "so I'm guessing you're new to this so I'll explain, firstly my name is Niki I'm the police officer that will be helping you today, I am here to help you to the best of my ability, all you have to do is be honest and tell me everything."

Techno felt his anxiety spike. His voice was quiet as he explain what happened and his he meet Mr brown. The first time Phil brought him home. The first time Mr brown touched him was when techno was making dinner and Phil had went to use the rest room. Mr brown had grabbed his ass. Techno felt disgusted as he explained it to niki. Niki continued to write down what he said.

He explained how his father kicked him out and staed at a friend's. "Why did he kick you out?" Techno knew she would ask after all he was a good kid. "He found out I was gay" he spoke softly. Tears clawed at his eyes begging to come out. Techno held them refusing to cry infront of someone.  "I see well don't worry being gay is totally fine" she smiled.

He continued to what happened with Mr brown and how he grabbed his arm to do gods know what to him. "Thats it" Techno paused. Niki nodded and finished writing in her note pad. "This is enough information to get him into jail if thats what you want". Techno opened his mouth to close it and pause for a moment before speaking.

" how would I do that" he asked with a asking tone. "We file a report and then take him to court, you would have to go aswell" she awnsered. "I-i think I'll do that" he said fesr in his voice. He was scared that it would back fire and brown would get out and hurt him again, but he knew that this was his chance to get Mr brown to jail....

Now that's something techno wants.

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