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He let out a shaky breath "that's definitely all I have to do?" He questioned sounding unsure, Niki gave him a sympathetic look and a sad smile as she spoke "well there's one issue... We will have to bring a parent to court since you're still a minor..." Techno's heart dropped at the words and he just looked at Niki "....oh..." he whispered and stood from his chair "is it ok if I go now? " He asked his voice trembling slightly Niki just nodded and opened the door for Techno leading him back to the lobby where Bad and Skeppy awaited him.

The car ride home was silent, the only noise coming from the radio. Techno sat in the back while Skeppy drove and Bad sat in shotgun.
when they arrived back home Skeppy led Techno into the sitting room and motioned for him to sit down clearly not letting Techno off the hook, he wanted to know what happened "so what was that about?" Skeppy asked sternly but in a comforting way Techno looked at Skeppy then behind him at Bad who was standing in the doorway looking at the scene "do I have to say ?" He mumbled throwing an unsure look at Bad. Skeppy caught the hint and looked at Bad "Bad can you go for five minutes I think Techno would be more comfortable telling me alone."

He asked, Bad just nodded his head and closed the door.
Techno and Skeppy were left alone once again and then Skeppy asked his question again " care to explain what happend?" Techno shrank in on himself and began to speak "remember our old Teacher Mr brown?" Skeppy nodded and motioned for Techno to continue. Techno gulped and started fidgeting with his hands, "I remember our teacher Mr brown Techno, what about him? obviously I know him he's Bad's Dad."

Skeppy spoke his voice starting to sound annoyed, Techno looked up startled by what Skeppy said and Techno mumbled in response his voice trembling "He's Bad's... dad? "Yes! He's Bad's Dad now what were you going to say?" Skeppy snapped clearly getting annoyed with Techno, Techno Flinched and looked at his hands

"Mr brown raped me .....More than once...and sexually assaulted me....."  He said in a fast and loud voice making Skeppy stare at him in shock, and who he assumed was Bad come barging through the living room door.

Y13 @ConfusionDream stood there in the doorway, an unreadable exspression on his face, Technos first thought was 'run' but he heard Skeppy come into the hallway and stand behind him, almost like a guard dog or a shadow, giving Techno a sense of security. "....Why are you here?" Techno finally spoke in a small voice breaking the tension, Dream looked directly at him and began speaking "look Techno I'm genuinely sorry please don't close the door just let me explain-" Techno attempted to slam the door closed after he heard the first words out of Dream but Dreams foot was placed in between the door and the wall stopping it from closing, "Techno! I'm not lying I swear! I heard everything that happened at your house I'm sorry! Ok please, I regret everything please forgive me and let me explain!" Dream rushed out in a panic, Techno gave dream the dirtiest look he could muster and began to speak "so you're telling me that if you knew Mr brown raped me you wouldn't have sexually assaulted me!? That's a load of BULLSHIT seriously go fuck yourself Dream, I hate you! go dig yourself a hole and suffocate in it." Techno said nothing but raw emotion, anger, sadness, grief, regret everything in his voice as his body trembled and he slammed the door once more, pushing a stunned Dream out of the way, only Turing around to see a shocked Bad and a nauseous looking Skeppy looking at him awaiting further explanation.

Y13 @ConfusionTechnos eyes grew wide in fear. Not only did bad hear but he wasn't ready for him to know. Anxiety filled his heart. The overflowing water of of tiny shot glass. The water far to much to contain. Anger towards  dream, fear from bad and now he's full of anxiety. He's knees felt weak as if he held the worls on his two hands. His eyes wide and full of fear as he looked into bads eyes and switching to skeppys. His only reaction was to run. He ran out the door into the cold air. His heart raced his lungs heavy in his chest his eyes full of tears. He just wanted to feel safe. He wanted to be safe.

Y13Techno burst through the front door adrenaline taking over. His mind blurred out the shouts from behind him, was it Skeppy? Bad? Maybe Dream? He didn't know, he didn't care, he just had to run. he had to get away from them.... No .....from this. All he seemed to be doing was running away. He's done this his whole life. Ignored his problems until it was to late, until they became something uncontrollable.

A honk from a car brought him back to reality...oh shit..... He ran out in front of traffic, how long was he running? It doesn't matter he has to keep going. He ran off the road and straight under an abandoned bridge, perhaps an old train track? He doesn't know. He collapsed on the old beaten floor and tucked his head between his knees, struggling to catch his breath.... god why was he so stupid?
He suddenly flinched not having time to degrade  himself any further, noticing a tall shadow hovering above him, and by the colour of the hoodie and strong build of his quarter-back shoulders, he could only guess who it was..... Dream....

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