The Projectionist's Return

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Charlotte jumped back as the arms of the ride swung around and around. Soon one of the arms slammed into the desk holding the tape recording, revealing an axe in the rubble of wood. She quickly grabbed the axe and held it close to her, waiting for an opportunity to strike the living attraction. Soon a pair of the arms swung their carts down on the ground and went limp. Perfect. There's my chance. Charlotte ran over to the calm area of the ride and hit her axe against the giant bolts holding the pieces together. A few more hits, then the arm collapsed. The metal and carts flew off their joints and across the room. The young woman avoided the rubble as best she could as the fiery ride came back to life, swinging around the room once more. She continued her plan of patiently waiting for the ride to malfunction as she cut off each of the arms bolts, one by one. It was going pretty well, although, at some points, she got too close to the flying carts and got hit pretty hard. Deep cuts got caused by the broken metal.

"Those are gonna get infected." But Charlotte was determined to finish this fight and destroy this machine. She must save Boris.

The final bolts got cut off, and the arm exploded from the ride; it sparked and spun extremely fast but soon slowed to a stop as the head inside broke down, and the doors it peeked through closed. The room grew silent. Only her heavy breathing a rapid heartbeat echoed through the walls. Could that have been Bertrum? Yet another victim to the machine's evil-doing? Charlotte didn't know, but he probably couldn't be saved now. In the distance, the young woman saw some metal doors opening, revealing the next switch she was after.

"One more to go," Charlotte said as she flipped the switch. She left the room back into Storage 9 and pulled the third switch at the haunted house.

Maintenance was the next room that opened up. Charlotte walked inside, and the inky writing greeted her: Choo Choo. It soon came clear what it was about; there was a poster on one of the walls for another attraction, The Buddy Boris Railway. The idea was cute though she feared something dark was deeper inside, knowing this studio so far. The young woman travelled through the corridor and saw a Miracle Station to the right and a staircase to the left; the stairs led to an inky pool. The darkened aura of the path in front of her seemed familiar, although smaller. The last lever must be down there. It shouldn't be too hard. As she walked down the stairs and stepped into the ink, she saw a lever on the far right wall. Charlotte treaded through the inky pool to the lever and pulled it down. A terrifying screech bellowed into the abyss, a blinding light rushing towards the girl, and in a panic, she ran away. Charlotte tripped over a bump in the floor that wasn't visible under the ink and fell into the pool, her cuts stinging from the ink seeping inside. As the light came closer to her, she found this scenario oddly familiar, and then it hit her.


The figure stopped in its tracks, its reels growling as it stared at the stranger. But the shadow was never wrong before. His sound softened as the Projectionist's light dimmed, and he walked over to Charlotte to help her up.

The Projectionist kneeled in front of the girl as she sat on top of a wooden box, her various wounds wrapped in old bandages. She didn't mind. After all, they were most likely infected already, but it would at least stop the bleeding. Charlotte took the time to look at the inky monster in detail. His hands were cold; it felt almost wet, although no ink transferred onto the bandages. He was surprisingly skinny, until down to his feet, which were huge compared to everything else. I guess to balance out with his head. It was odd that Norman had a Projector as a head in this horrific form, as opposed to Sammy, who looked normal except for his added mask. When the Projectionist finished, he stood up and sat down next to Charlotte in silence.

"No one else remembers me here," Charlotte mentioned, breaking the silence, "They all think I'm an impersonator, except you. My new friend, his name is Boris, Alice took him from me, and I need to find him before something horrible happens to him too."

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