Prisoner Or Saviour

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The mysterious woman watched as her wolf friend boarded up the doorway of their makeshift cell; they had to keep the prisoner somewhere. The stranger they found was still unconscious, softly sleeping on the cot left inside. They weren't monsters, but they wanted to be careful not to let it out of their sight. Deep down, it felt wrong that she was doing this, but the wolf grasped her shoulder reassuringly, his way of letting her know that this was the right thing to do.

"Let's get some rest," she sighed, "We'll start fresh in the morning."

Charlotte didn't know how long she was out for, but her head hurt like hell. She heard a faint ringing as she covered her ears and groaned as it slowly faded away. The young woman then heard something else. It was soft, but the walls in the room made it louder; it was humming. The song was vaguely familiar; she shuffled through her memories to try and find the source of the music. At Level 1 in the theatre room and the video of Bendy whistling. She was able to stand up, and she walked over to the window of her cell.

"I know that song," she spoke. The figure turned around toward her.

"Everyone knows that song," she replies bluntly, "Who are you?"

"I'm Charlotte. What's your name?"

The stranger paused for a moment, deep in thought.

"I...I honestly don't know my name. So they call me Alice, but I'm no Angel." She put down her paintbrush and walked over to Charlotte. "Why are you here?"

"It's a pretty long story. I first came here out of curiosity from this toy." The girl pulled out the Bendy doll from her bag on the ground. "I've been...remembering a lot of stuff about my past that I never knew before. And I don't know who gave me this in the first place; I'm trying to find them. I need to find Bendy."

Suddenly, a door closed from the right and startled both of them. They look to see the wolf returning from a mission.

"Tom," Alice said with a sigh of relief, "You startled me. I was chatting with Charlotte here. She just woke up."

The wolf looked at the girl with a very stern look. Charlotte backed away a bit, feeling uncomfortable. Alice took hold of Tom's arm and pulled him over to their bed space.

"Rest up, Charlotte. We can talk again tomorrow."

Charlotte didn't feel tired, so instead, she took out some scrap paper and a pencil and decided to draw.


Charlotte awoke with a gasp, startled by the voice. She must've passed out on the ground in the middle of the drawing. The young woman stood to see Alice at the window with a bowl of soup on the ledge.

"I thought you might be hungry," Alice offered, "Sorry, it's all we have."

The girl nodded, and Alice smiled, leaving her alone with the bowl and walking back to her bed. Out of the corner of her eye, Charlotte saw Tom glaring at her and the bowl of soup. He walked over to her, his stern expression never leaving his eyes as he slammed his metal arm down on the ledge, creating a barrier between her and the food. If he could speak, he would surely be growling at her. Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"I don't exactly know what I did to you guys, but I'm hungry, so if you could just-"

Before the girl could finish her sentence, Tom swiped his arm down, taking the bowl down with it. The bowl cracked, and the soup spilled over the floor. He gave Charlotte a threatening glare, closing his metal fist in front of her. She scoffed as he marched away, back out the hideout exit.

Charlotte awoke to a loud rumbling across the floor and walls. She panicked and saw Alice struggling to pull away at the boards that trapped her inside the room.

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