Final Curtain Call

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Bendy watched what happened, and he was pleased. The Impostor was alone with him, and he could get rid of her once and for all. She was unarmed, so it would be easy to drown her in the dark abyss of the studio. It only made sense that her fate ended that way, considering she chose to come here in the first place. The reel rested against his throne as he guarded it with his life, and he stood at the entrance to his room waiting for the girl's arrival. It's been a while since he's torn something apart.

Charlotte looked through her messenger bag, seeing what evidence she had to try and convince Bendy that she was his best friend. All she had was her Bendy plush, her father's drawing, and various sheet music. Charlotte didn't know what would be the key to making him believe her because past attempts hadn't been successful. The girl dug through her memories as she got closer to the Demon's lair, thinking of what they used to do together in hopes of finding more proof of their friendship. The only thing she could think of was when they first met when he started copying her actions until they pressed their hands together. Perhaps that might work, but it was a dangerous option. If Charlotte were to act on that plan, she'd have to be super careful.

It was now the last metal door to the Demon's lair, and right behind this door was the Ink Demon himself. Charlotte hadn't been this close to the monstrous figure since their encounter with the Projectionist. She was nervous about what she would find behind the door: Would it be empty like in the cycle? Or would he be standing there waiting for her? Nevertheless, the young woman had to take the risk, and she pulled the lever and watched the giant door slide open, revealing the Ink Demon's neverending smile. She gasped as she stepped back, staring up at the grinning creature. Bendy didn't move from his position as the girl finally arrived at his domain, and he was excited at the thought of tearing her apart.

"Bendy, please, it's me," Charlotte called out to the Demon. She wasn't sure what to do and refused to move any closer, "You have to believe me. I'm your best friend."

The Demon only growled in response. The feeling inside him was back. That hesitation he felt before when she almost died to the Searchers. This girl's lies weren't going to cut it. He needs to kill her.

"Look, I have proof." Charlotte reached into her bag and pulled out the Bendy plush. "You gave this to me. I'm not sure how, but I know it was you."

She reached into her bag again and pulled out her father's drawing. "This was my father's drawing. Do you remember Henry? I found his desk, and I remember he worked at the studio. I remember our time together. We played, we drew pictures, and we pulled pranks together."

The Ink Demon only stared at the young woman, and she was beginning to lose hope. Was he still not believing her? Charlotte only had one last thing to try, and she slowly walked closer to Bendy, keeping a close eye on him in case he decided to attack. She slowly held her left hand above her head, hoping Bendy would remember their first encounter all those years ago. He stared silently at her hand for a while, unsure of what the Impostor was doing, but soon held out his hand as well. Charlotte flinched but relaxed once she realized what he was doing. This was it, he knew what she was trying to do, and perhaps Bendy did believe her after all.

The hope in that option was lost when the Ink Demon's hand grabbed Charlotte's wrist and threw her aside, her back slamming into the wall. Her body hit the floor, and a soft groan escaped her mouth as she struggled to get back on her feet. She wasn't going to give up, however. Charlotte knew her friend was in there; she just needed to get the evil out of him. The Ink Demon watched as the young woman slowly stood, resting her arm against the wall for support as she took a few deep breaths.

"I know what you're hiding here," Charlotte breathed out, turning her head to face the beast, "I don't want to resort to that, so you better start believing what I'm saying. You're acting like a stubborn child."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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