The Musician's Sacrifice

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A soft, low groan came from Charlotte as she regained consciousness; she rolled onto her side and coughed.

"Ugh, my head," she muttered after coughing, "What happened?"

The young woman slowly sat up, vision a little blurry, and then everything came back to her. The images, the vision, passing out, that Inky Bendy. She pulled out the drawing she had kept from her pocket and unfolded it, revealing the cute devil. Taking a closer look, sure enough, there was a signature at the bottom reading Henry Stein...Charlotte's father.

"My dad....worked here? So that means I did come here as a kid, this makes sense now."

But now she was even more confused, "Why would he keep all this from me?"

It was unsettling that her father had kept a huge secret from her for many years. And Bendy...there was a living cartoon Bendy, and he was sitting right in front of her, or at least her child self, holding hands practically. Best friends forever, she remembered the voices shouting. So she and the cartoon demon were friends. Is that why Henry took her away? She couldn't understand that quite yet; possibly that inky monster was her best friend, but.....why was he like that? And it looked like he wanted to kill her as well. Are they not friends anymore?

Charlotte shook her head and stood up, "I guess the only thing I can do now is move forward; find another way out of here."

She spotted the axe leaning up against a coffin and slowly picked it up; the girl prayed that they were empty. She walked over to the boarded-up door and broke the wood, then the door squeaked open. It was darker down here compared to the room Charlotte was in before, but it wasn't too bad. She made it down the stairs and took in her surroundings; she could sense a stronger scent of ink down here...but where? In front of Charlotte, she spotted words on the wall that said HE WILL SET US FREE.

"These phrase things are everywhere," she said to herself, "Who's writing them?"

She also noticed a can sitting on the small shelf near the writing and picked it up. As she observed it, the soup seemed familiar to her. Charlotte put the can down and explored the place a little more. Another tape recorder was found on a different shelf and there was some sort of small Bendy sticker near it on the wall. Charlotte pressed play on the tape and sat down in the chair in front of it.

He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior, I pray you hear me.

Those old songs, yes, I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final loving embrace.

But, love requires a sacrifice.
Can I get an amen?

"I said.....can I get an amen?"

Charlotte just about fell out of the chair and quickly looked around the place, but no one was there. That last sentence was o clear, it was certainly not from the recording. That voice also sounded super familiar to the girl, but she couldn't exactly think of his name; it was so fuzzy in her mind. She kept hold of the axe and her Bendy doll and continued further into the studio; Charlotte then found the source of the strong ink smell. In front of her lay a hallway flooded with at least a foot and a half of ink.

"Uh...." she stuttered out, "At least it's not as bad as upstairs."

Charlotte kept staying optimistic throughout this whole experience; Jessica had mentioned that was one of the young woman's best perks of her personality. Charlotte reached her foot out and stepped into the river if ink and started to make her way across; she went slow so that she didn't trip. The girl was close to the end of the hallway when she stopped suddenly to the sight of a strange person walking down a perpendicular hallway in front of her. They were holding a Bendy cardboard cut-out and muttering some words. Charlotte made the mistake of trying to run to reach the dark figure and fell onto her hands and knees in the black ink.

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