Inky Memories

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A few years have passed and Charlotte was getting super close to being herself again. Henry was happy that everything was going to plan, he made sure to take away all evidence of drawing and the Bendy cartoons. His daughter had now gotten into music and she has taken many lessons; Charlotte was a natural. Occasionally when the girl played, he would be reminded of his old co-worker Sammy Lawrence, but he would shake off the thought and congratulate Charlotte on what she's learned.

Charlotte was woken up by her father, telling her to get ready for school. The girl groaned and tried to pull the blanket over her head, only it wasn't there.

"Come on Charlotte," her father said, "I've got work soon and you can't miss your bus."

Still acting lazy, Charlotte slowly crawled out of bed and got clothes to wear. Henry left his daughter's room and went to the kitchen to make her lunch. When he was putting the lunchbox in her backpack, Charlotte walked down the stairs. She was wearing a black t-shirt with gold yellow sequences in stripes and blue jeans; she was wearing a white bow in her hair. Her father smiled as Charlotte sat at the kitchen island and he pushed a bowl of cereal in front of her.

"Eat up, princess," he said.

The girl nodded and ate; when she was done she got her backpack and shoes on. She and Henry walked out the door; the bus had just arrived in front of their house. Charlotte hugged her father goodbye and he kissed her forehead. Henry watched as his daughter ran to the bus and hopped on, sitting on the side of the bus facing her house. Charlotte waved to Henry as the bus drove off and then he walked back into the house to get ready for work.

At the studio, things continued to go downhill. It's been 5 years and the Ink Machine was close to stopping on its own; there was nothing Bendy could do. He was growing weak and he was slowly melting, sure to erase from existence if nothing was done. The devil had ink running down his face, completely covering his right eyes; he could barely move and he stayed near the machine. Bendy could hear it rumbling softly and saw the gears turning slowly. He needs her. He needs her to get the machine working. He won't last much longer; the machine will stop and the little demon will disappear forever. I just want my friend back.

Charlotte's bus stopped in front of her house and she got out, looking to the driveway to see the car was gone. Henry was still at work, but that didn't matter, she knew what to do. The girl went through the front door, going to the kitchen to put her lunchbox on the counter. She hung her backpack and put her shoes away, then she went up to her room to read. She may be only 13, but she has grown to love mystery books; got one from her grandparents for her birthday. But to the child's surprise, the book was not on her bed, though that's where she remembered leaving it. Her father must've cleaned before he went to work. Charlotte spent around 15 minutes searching her room for the missing book; looking through her bookshelf, then under her bed, and after her closet. Frustrated by the unsuccessful search, the girl slammed the closet door shut, only to get resistance and a squeak in return. she opened back up the door and looked to see what that was. On the floor in front of her was what looked like a black, felt ball. The curious child picked up the soft object and tilted her head when she saw it. It had a round body with short, black arms and legs. There was a fancy white bow-tie where the body and head met. Its head was also black with a white face; the head, however, didn't go in a complete circle. With a curved chunk taken out of the top, it formed something like horns or ears. It reminded charlotte of a cat; she couldn't help but smile when she looked back at the face. The big smile the toy held was the first thing the girl saw on the face, and the smile matched perfectly with those cute eyes. Why was this in Charlotte's closet anyway? Who put this here? she remembered that the toy had squeaked when the door was shut on it, so charlotte held the body with two hands and squeezed; a loud squeak startling the child. Then she giggled and made it squeak again.

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