The Director's Sacrifice

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She could feel something being wrapped around her, her head hurt like hell and she didn't want to open her eyes, nor had the energy to try and move. Then she heard someone snapping their fingers in her ear and the young woman flinched. Charlotte slowly opened her eyes to meet face-to-face with a withered Bendy mask.

"Good, you're awake," he said with a soothing yet evil voice, "I was worried I might've hit you a little too hard."

The person stood up straight, chuckling, and stared straight at the girl, who had recognized the man and the voice. Sammy? She wanted to say, but it only came out as muffles. The director had gagged her so that she couldn't ruin the ritual with screaming. He had tied her to a pole tightly so that she wasn't able to escape either. He needed her, she would be the key, the Sheep, that would free him from his inky body.

"I must admit I am honoured you came all the way down to visit me," he said, "It almost makes what I'm about to do seem....cruel."

Sammy had Charlotte's axe out in front of him and her eyes widened. Then he turned around, "But the believers must honour their saviour." He had leaned the axe up against a pole and went back over to Charlotte, "I must have him notice me."

The Music Director stood quiet for a moment, taking in the young woman's features. He tilted his head and Charlotte grew confused; the inky man then took hold of her chin to rotate her head and examine closer.

"You look.....familiar to me," he commented, putting his hand down.

My name is Charlotte, I need to leave this place. Only muffles were heard. She struggled in the ropes and Sammy took a step back. Let me go! The muffles got louder through the gag. Sammy grabbed the girl's shoulders and she stopped moving, staring up at the Music Director.

"Our lord is calling to us, my little Sheep," he said, letting go and looking around him, "The time of sacrifice is at hand!" This was becoming ridiculous, Charlotte needed to stop this....and fast.

The Ink Demon was in the vents, he had seen what had happened and he was not exactly happy about it. Sammy had always been crazy for the Demon since he found out about him. But this ritual was the last straw, Bendy had no interest in what Sammy had been doing all these years, and it certainly wasn't going to change now with this.....impostor. The inky monster continued through the vents to find that darn Music Director.

Charlotte had began to hear the sound of the vents and she got startled.

"Shh....quiet! Listen!" Sammy exclaimed, seeming excited, "I can hear him. Crawling above. Crawling!"

The young woman continued to scream, wiggle, just....anything to get Sammy to stop what he was doing. What you're doing is pointless, Sammy! Once again, there were just muffles. The Music Director chose to ignore the cries of the impostor.

"Let us begin. The ritual must be completed!" The inky man took hold of Charlotte's chin again, "I'll certainly enjoy this. For my freedom, and my broken heart.....impostor!"

Charlotte was sure if Sammy didn't have that mask, he would have such an evil grin on his face. "Soon he will hear me!" he called out after letting go of the girl, "He will set us free."

With one last glance at the frightened girl, he walked off into a side room and closed the door.

Sammy rested his hands on the desk in the room and leaned his weight on them, taking a deep breath. Once that impostor was taken care of, he would be free from his inky body and mentally at peace from someone pretending to be his musical partner. Sammy could clearly remember her, the first time trying the piano and failing, but it was really cute. And ever since he would take some time out of his workday to teach her. And it was interesting to admit, but Charlotte had kept his sanity in check from the massive amount of work he was given; he was grateful for that child and was devastated by the news of her getting seriously hurt. And after that, everything went into chaos and he got trapped and was drowned, but soon came back as ink. He started to go insane after that, trying every way possible to be freed. And surely this Sheep would be the key.

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