Step Into The Darkness

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The young woman sat against the elevator in shock, head pounding, tears welling in her eyes. She couldn't understand what had happened; it was all such a blur, yet so clear at the same time. Her only friend, through her long adventure alone, had been stripped away from her. Boris was gone, and Charlotte had no energy to move. On the other hand, if she moved quickly enough, she could find Boris and take him back from the Angel. It was worth a shot. The girl took a deep breath as she struggled to stand, her body aching from the long fall. Once she did, she noticed her messenger bag laying open a few feet away, with all the contents inside spilled out. The young woman sighed, and she collected her things, noticing that her Bendy doll was missing. Huh? Where did it go? Charlotte thought in a panic. Did she leave it back at Level 9 with Alice? Did she drop it while running away from Bendy? Either way, she couldn't return to the surface because the elevator had broken, but Charlotte prayed that she'd find it.

The young woman stood still at a two-way hall, the left leading to the studio archives, the right leading to an office belonging to a man named Grant Cohen. That name she had never heard before, most likely because he stayed down here, far away from everyone else; they never had the chance to meet. Charlotte looked to her left and saw a metal door, like the one you'd see on a ship. She noticed it was missing the handle, so it would be impossible to open to get through. So a decision was made, and she turned and walked to the right towards Grant's office. When she entered, however, Charlotte was horrified. The room was covered head to toe in inky writing, big and small; whispers flooded her mind as she gazed at the hundreds of messy scripts, it was almost suffocating. The girl wanted to run away, but she just couldn't, her feet wouldn't allow her to; only led her closer, enough to smell the rotten inky walls in front of her. Her hand raised to touch the wall; the ink was dry. These are old. Charlotte thought. These poor people. Why couldn't they be saved? She sighed, glancing around at the countless writings until coming across a broken wall. Inside were thick pipes leaking ink from the loose joints, along with a circle handle, the exact one that Charlotte needed to get into the archives.

"I'm coming, Boris," Charlotte announced with pride, "I will save you."

The Angel lurked from above, watching the young girl as she trudged through Level S. Alice was proud of herself, she had lost something of value to her, many things to be specific, and it felt good to watch someone else suffer for once. She giggled as she turned back to the frightened wolf, whose face was melting slightly, strapped against a surgical table.

"Don't worry," Alice spoke calmly to the wolf, "You'll be of great use to me. Whether you'll survive, well...that's a different story."

The wolf whimpered at the evil Angel, her laughing in return.

Charlotte inserted the handle and turned it; the door swung open with a creak like it hadn't been open in years. Inside was a dark room, only the emergency lights glowed. She took a step forward, and suddenly many spotlights turned on, revealing a stage in front of her. On it, there was a towering Bendy statue with many humanoid creatures surrounding it. They looked like the searchers only they had legs, looking like someone had poured a layer of ink overtop of them. The young woman felt the icky feeling return in her, but she continued forward into the archives. There were books everywhere, probably hundreds or even thousands coated the walls of the room, with a single chandelier hanging in the center area along with a table and single chair. There was also a desk facing one of the shelves. Charlotte explored the strange room, seeing if there could be a door somewhere to move forward on her mission.

As Charlotte browsed along the endless walls of books, she came across a wooden door, a sign reading PRIVATE, the wall above lining with light bulbs. The young woman stared for a moment, wondering what they could have corresponded to. She soon noticed one of the many books on the bottom shelf was hanging out a bit and pushed it neatly back into place. From the corner of her eye, Charlotte saw that one of the lights had flickered to life. She smirked, "So that's how it works."

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