Adventure Through Memory Lane

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Charlotte walked over to the single, wooden door, putting her hand out to grasp onto the metal handle. she turned it and the door swung open with a loud creak. As she walked through the doorway, Charlotte was hit with a strong scent; uncertain to what it was, she plugged her nose on instinct.

"This place looks and smells pretty abandoned," Charlotte said, her voice altered from her nose being covered.

Looking to her left and right, the girl saw posters along the walls that led to a bigger room. Charlotte examined one of them and recognized the figure in the poster, Bendy; he was wearing kind of like a tutu and a circle with a title was in place instead of his head.

"Bendy in: Little Devil Darlin'," she read and held up the plush, "So you're a devil, huh? You don't look that scary."

The next poster she saw had an unfamiliar character on it, a wolf, and it was holding a clarinet in its hand. The girl read the title:

"Bendy in: Sheep Songs with.... Boris the Wolf."

So the wolf was named Boris, and from what Charlotte could grab from the poster, he was the music type.

"A clarinet's a pretty cool instrument," she giggled, then continued down the hallway into the big area.

The first thing she noticed was a projector; it was on but nothing was playing, the light was just shining on the wall in front of it. If the studio was abandoned, why would that still be on? The curious girl made her way closer to the projector, finding the switch to turn it off. A loud echoed click shot through the empty room, startling Charlotte and she jumped back. Then she noticed a lit area hidden by the studio walls; it looked like another hallway, so she went to explore it. what she found was a small room with a desk and scattered papers filled with drawings on the floor and walls. Charlotte picked up one of the papers and flipped it over, revealing a small Bendy standing and waving. she picked up another and this time he was jumping, in the third one, he was laying on his tummy resting his head on his hands. The girl seemed to like that one the most; she folded it up and put it in her coat pocket. Charlotte went back the way she came and walked down yet another hallway into a strange area with a wall covered in ink that read, 'DREAMS COME TRUE'.

"That's ominous," she mumbled and continued through the studio; stopping when she saw a sign, "The Ink Machine? What kind of thing is that?"

The door to the room was closed so she opened it slowly, not making the door creak as loud; a few feet in front of her, the machine stood tall and was not running.

The girl tilted her head, "Wait a minute...."

Her aloud thoughts were interrupted with a huge, pulsing pain in Charlotte's head, causing her to grasp her scalp and collapse to the wooden floor on her knees. A voice inside her was saying that she needed to turn on the machine. Why would I need to mess with something I don't know anything about? Charlotte thought, then images flashed through her mind. It was herself, her younger self, standing in front of the machine. Then the images stopped and she opened her eyes; the pain in her head and the voice was gone too. Charlotte walked over to the nozzle of the Ink Machine, taking a closer look inside. Then she heard a rumbling noise and she took a step back, confused. Then ink burst out from the nozzle and Charlotte gasped, shielding her face; ready for impact.... but it never came. She uncovered her eyes to see no ink anywhere in the room. The girl sighed in relief, it was just a hallucination.

Charlotte was now in another section of the studio; she had decided to try and turn on the Ink Machine, but she didn't have a clue how to do it. Almost as if the atmosphere heard her thoughts, Charlotte had found something on a small table. she had seen these before, her school professors used them sometimes, it was a tape recorder. The girl pressed play and an upbeat voice came out of the speaker, only it didn't sound like he was happy.

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