Save Them

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Henry was in the waiting room, holding his cold, pale, unconscious daughter in his arms; tears in his eyes. Even after the desperate call to come in right away, the doctors still told him to wait a little longer. The girl was dying in the man's grasp, he doesn't have time to wait; he can't lose another family member, Linda was more than enough. Finally, after some more impatient waiting, a nurse came in with a rolling bed. Henry placed Charlotte down on it and followed her to where his daughter would be staying. He was offered to stay until the doctor arrived but he declined, not wanting to see the heart monitor any longer, afraid that it would stop at any moment. The man was very angry with Joey, but also a little disappointed with the child. 'Why would she go in there?' he thought. She was never allowed to enter rooms with closed doors without asking; Charlotte had always followed that rule. 'I guess I should have kept an eye on her more often.' An hour passed and Henry was nervously waiting for someone to come out of the room to tell him any news. It was quiet in the hospital room, the nurse and doctor taking tests on the unconscious child they had. They discovered the problem and knew what to do to fix it, only having one side effect when completed. The nurse opens the white door and calls Henry inside to talk with the doctor.

"We took some tests and we discovered that there was a high amount of ink in her lungs, stomach and some traces in her bloodstream," the doctor told Henry, "She will live, we know what we have to do, there is only one thing we want you to know."

"What may that be?" the father nervously asked.

"When the procedure is over and she wakes up, Charlotte will have a minor case of amnesia. Of course, you will be able to get her memories back by showing her different things. If you do that, she'll be back to her normal self, almost as if nothing happened."

Henry thought about the difficulties that he would have to face once the operation was over, then agreed to let it happen and signed a form the nurse held out to him.

"I'll do almost anything," he told them, "Just please... save my daughter."

The doctor nods and leads Henry out of the room; he went out to his car and drove home. It was dark by the time the man got a call from the hospital about his daughter. He was more than grateful that Charlotte had survived the accident and right after he hung up, Henry picked her up and took the sleeping child home; he put her into bed and kissed her goodnight. Henry will make sure Charlotte will remember everything that makes personality show... except for one thing.

The ink demon was alone in the abandoned studio; he was still angry with his creator for lying and Henry for taking his best friend away. Bendy knew what to do to fix her, but the two idiots decided to interfere, he had to flee. He was upset that Charlotte was gone and would probably never come back. It was past midnight so the studio was dark; there were small floor lights in certain areas, giving the place an ominous feel. The ink had drained from the top floor, possibly creating some huge ink pool somewhere in the basement, and the Ink Machine was back to its low rumbling while The Devil sat by it. He was leaning on the side of the machine, the vibrations making him relax a bit, but his thoughts occasionally went back to the accident. The Ink Machine room was off-limits to everyone except Joey and Bendy when he would go in there with his creator; he knew this but some force inside of the cartoon made him go inside. Bendy didn't even know that Charlotte had been in the room until he heard her coughing. Was the whole thing his fault? If he didn't go in the room, would everything be okay? Bendy stood up and teleported through the wall to Heavenly Toys; he walked up the staircase and went into the toy room. The Toy Machine had stopped running, obviously, but all the finished dolls were still on their shelves; the demon found a Boris plush and took it. In the cartoons, Boris was Bendy's best friend, they would play together and the cheeky devil would pull some small pranks on the wolf. The wolf was never brought to life, however, so the only person he could play with was Charlotte; now he doesn't even have that. Maybe be could bring Boris to life so he wouldn't be alone anymore... it's worth a try. The inky cartoon places the plush back and sees one of him beside it. Is there a possibility that Bendy could bring her back too? Knowing her condition it would take some time, maybe he can give her a push. The demon's smile grows, then he grabs the doll and leaves to go back to the Ink Machine room.

A week wasn't enough to bring Charlotte back, Henry knew this, but he has been doing a bunch of little things each day and she has done well. It will take years, not sure how many, but Henry will stop at nothing to get his daughter back; he hopes to start a new normal life with her and just forget about the past. During the recovery, Charlotte had remembered most of the things in her room, it was just all her stuffed toys names, but hey, you have to start somewhere. All in all, things were shaping up for the two family members. In the studio, things weren't going as well for the cartoon; his idea didn't go as planned for Boris. Bendy brought him to life but it just wasn't enough, he wasn't as familiar with the wolf as he was with Charlotte. The wolf was eventually pushed off and on his own, wandering around the studio. Where? Bendy didn't care, he needs that girl back! He walked into the Ink Machine room and picked up the Bendy doll... it's time for action. The demon stood at the front door; he melted into an ink puddle and slipped between the open space. He didn't know where she and her father lived, but with their inseparable friendship, Bendy was able to sense her. He will find Charlotte and bring her back to him.

More days passed and Henry had managed to find a new job, today was his first day, but he wasn't allowed to bring the child with him. It was obvious that Charlotte wasn't fixed yet, but he trusted her to be home alone. He chatted with her about the rules and he made the most important rule: 'Don't go outside'. The father walked out of the bedroom and got ready to go, leaving the house and driving off in the car. Charlotte continued to read the book she was reading; she remembered that this one was her favourite. The black puddle was outside the house, waiting for the man to leave. The moment the car had driven off to the busy street, it was time to sneak inside. The melted cartoon slid under the front door and headed silently upstairs, towards Charlotte's bedroom. He stopped outside the door and looked at his friend, she was reading a book, but Bendy never really thought of her as much of a reader. He would notice a book in the girl's bag but she would usually draw when she was bored. On the subject of drawing, the devil also saw that there was no art on the walls; Charlotte had told him what her room looked like and how she had tons of her drawings hung on her walls, but they were blank. 'What does Henry think he's doing?' he thought to himself. It was obvious to Bendy that the man was trying to make her forget about drawing... and unfortunately, that also meant him. He was upset but he knew that his little gift would help; the puddle made has way indie The bedroom and slipped into the girl's closet. He placed the gift in a special place And quietly escaped before Charlotte moved from her bed. The cartoon soon found his way back to his home, he went through the door; now all he has to do is wait. Henry walked through the door, a little tired from work, and went to Charlotte's room to see her doing a puzzle. He was happy to see that she was okay; she knows how to take care of herself. Charlotte notices her father in the room and looks up at him.

"Hello," she greeted him, "How was work?"

"It was okay, not completely what I expected," Henry replied, walking inside and sitting on the girl's bed, "I got a surprise for you, by the way."

"What's that?"

"You may not remember that much, but you loved to play the piano. So I went out after work and signed you up for some lessons. I know I didn't let you know beforehand but I'm sure you'll love doing this."

Charlotte thinks for a little then nods.

"That sounds cool; I had a feeling I knew about the piano."

She held up her hands to show Henry.

"I mean, look at my hands, they're just a bunch of piano fingers"

The man couldn't deny, even though Charlotte was only 9, the child had pretty long fingers. Henry stood up and walked to the bedroom door.

"Can we have spaghetti for dinner?" Charlotte asked and he stopped moving, "That's my favourite."

The father chuckled and nodded, "Of course."

Henry went out of the room, smiling to himself. Piece by piece he will slowly put his daughter back together again.

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