Welcome To Bendyland

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The scrawny creatures that filled the room stared at the strange human that entered their sanctuary. Their glowing eyes pierced into her soul. Charlotte was frightened by them, but they didn't seem to be of any harm to her; instead, they looked scared of her, they seemed sad. The creatures cowered as the young woman stepped closer to them, too close for their comfort. She noticed this and stopped moving in an attempt to prove she meant no harm to them.

"It's okay," she announced quietly, "I'm not here to hurt you. I need to get across here. I'm looking for my friend. Someone took him from me."

The creatures looked at one another in thought; a moment later, they all moved aside so the lady could pass. As Charlotte made her way to the back of the room, the black figures continued to stare at her. As Charlotte passed them, she noticed one sitting in the corner crying, only a makeshift candle lighting the area. Were these guys trapped here? Charlotte wondered. Did they used to be studio workers too? Or abominations formed by the Ink Machine forced to live alone in this abandoned studio forever? Either option sounded horrific to the young woman. She sighed and grabbed the flashlight that leaned against the wall beside the open vent. NO ANGELS lay above the entrance.

"Seems I'm not the only one Alice has bothered," Charlotte muttered, "She'll do anything to be perfect. No wonder they're all forced to hide."

She turned on the flashlight and crawled inside the vent, moving forward with no way back, the creatures blocking the way out with their staring. As she crawled, there was some light at the end from a closed vent. Was the end already here? Charlotte got closer to the vent, and suddenly the Ink Demon appeared right in front of her; a short scream came from her mouth as the inky shadows filled the walls of the vent, Bendy staring right at Charlotte, his claws grasping the bars of the metal vent. The young woman was still as an awkward silence rose between her and the Demon. Only the sound of her heartbeat was heard, along with the slow whistles assuming to be coming from Bendy.

"Bendy, it's me," Charlotte whispered, breaking the silence, "I'm your friend. I remember you, well...sort of, I'm trying to remember. You have to believe me."

The Ink Demon growled at the intruder; unfortunately, the locked vent blocked him from attacking and killing her. He remembered how the girl had a Bendy plush in her bag, but it couldn't have been the right one; this can't be her. He growled again and slowly limped away, the inky walls soon fading. Charlotte was losing hope in anyone remembering who she was. Everyone she used to know thought she was an imposter of Charlotte, and no matter how many times she tried to say otherwise, they didn't believe her. Only Norman, the Projectionist, remembered her. Looking back through her memories, it made sense. They never truly knew each other. They were just shadows.

Following the seemingly endless maze of vents, Charlotte finally made it to an exit and placed her flashlight down as she crawled out. It was a giant room, mostly empty, but right in front of her was a strange sign reading: COME UP AND SEE ME with an arrow pointing up a staircase. It was very odd, but the young woman listened anyway, climbing up the old stairs to see another inky wall: ALMOST THERE. At this point, Charlotte started to worry about what could be up there but continued to the top, finding an open room with lots of bulletin boards covered with sheets of paper and blueprints and drawn displays. The young woman was amazed at the sight, rushing over to look at everything. There were an endless amount of plans and drawings of a Bendy-themed park named Bendyland. Digging through her holey memories, she never even heard of such a project before, but she wished she had; she probably would've been the first to try out all the rides before they got sent out. Charlotte chuckled at the thought and found a lonely tape recording lying on the edge of a big table covered with a 3D park model.

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