A Date With An Angel

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"I see you there," her voice rang out through the dark, hallow room, "A new fly in my endless web."

Charlotte flinched as she felt something grab her arms, she was pretty much frozen with fear. Then the girl heard a soft whisper right in her ear, "Come along now," she moved to the opposite ear, "Let's see if you're worthy to walk with Angels."

The Angel giggled evilly and let go of Charlotte, then the lights dimmed back on. She saw the giant hole in the glass viewer where that Alice was before, she obviously broke out and held onto her arms, whispering into her ears. But now she was gone. Where? Charlotte had no idea, but it certainly seemed like that encounter was just the beginning of another journey.

"Let's just hope I won't be tied up again," the girl sighed and continued down an open doorway.

Charlotte soon reached a split hallway with a sign in the center. The DEMON and The ANGEL. She felt the need to think about which path to take, a feeling that one would lead to something bad or lead to something she's looking for. The Angel, Alice might think I'm worthy and not hurt me. The Demon, Alice might not like that, but I might be able to find Bendy. Both seem very risky. Both the Demon and the Angel were watching over, wondering which the young woman would pick.

"I need to find answers," Charlotte reminded herself, "I have to find Bendy, I'm going down the Demon path." And with that conclusion, she walked through the gate of the Demon and heard a loud bang near her. There was no changing her mind now and behind the scenes, Bendy had a bit of hope inside him. Alice on the other hand....was not happy.

The strong scent of ink filled her nose once more, this room was completely flooded, ink flowing from the ceiling. Charlotte noticed a drafting table in the room, similar to all the others she had seen before, and a chair in the far left corner that held a tape recorder. So the young woman waded through the ink, it was only reaching right above her ankles, to get to the recording. Just before she could press play, however, a sickening feeling grew inside her and she felt uneasy, like if someone or something was watching her. When Charlotte looked around the room she swore she could see glowing, yellow eyes everywhere in the ink but it turned out to be the reflection from the lights. But this room, this tape, caused the icky feelings to come back into the girl and almost wanted to not listen to it at all....but why? Charlotte's curiosity got the best of her and had no more hesitation to press play,

There's nothing wrong with dreaming. Wishing for the impossible is just human nature. That's how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream.

It was another man, an older man, and his voice was way too familiar to her. But she couldn't understand why; it frustrated her to no end. She continued to listen.

We all want everything without even having to lift a finger. They say you just have to believe.

Belief can make you succeed.
Belief can make you rich.
Belief can make you powerful.

Why with enough belief, you can even cheat death itself.

Now that...is a beautiful, and positively silly thought.

"I'm sorry- what?! " Charlotte was stunned, cheating death does not sound beautiful or silly, it sounded insane. This man was clearly crazy, was it Sammy? No....the voice sounded nothing like him. Charlotte wanted to let it go, but the voice kept nagging in her brain; she just had to know who this is, it's so familiar. But...she just couldn't. So Charlotte left the recording, the thought still in the back of her mind, and reached a door that led to a new studio hallway.

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