Music Brings People Together

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Charlotte stood in awe at the piano; she could almost drool over it. She was always a fan of older pianos and, considering how long this has been here, abandoned, it looked in good shape. The young woman rested her axe against the side of the piano and sat her Bendy plush on the top; Charlotte sat o the bench and raised the cover from the black and white keys. There had been a song that she always had memorized but was too afraid to go to the piano in class without being told. Don't use something that isn't yours unless told to, she remembered her father's words. Although this piano wasn't Charlotte's either, in the back of her mind, she believed that the original owner of this piano would want it to be played. So the musician hovered her hands over the keys then began to play; her fingers flowed through each note and chord perfectly, almost as if this piano was made for her.

The man stood over the whole room on a ledge unreachable to anyone but him. He watched as the girl played the familiar song. He could not recognize the girl, though it was difficult when her face was hidden.

She'll be a great sacrifice to my lord, he thought, He'll be pleased with this Sheep and I will finally be free.

The music director continued to listen to the young girl play the song and then it dawned on him....that was his song. How did this stranger know that song? It was never used. He suddenly heard the piano go quiet and he disappeared so the stranger didn't notice him watching.

The Ink Demon had also been listening from inside the walls. He never knew Charlotte to play music, just drawing...this was certainly not her. That made him angry, had Charlotte just never seen the present and Henry succeeded in clearing her mind of this place forever? He growled and ran away; he did not want to be around this stranger anymore. Bendy will kill her in due time, he'll just have to torture her a little more.


The feeling of being watched would never stop her from playing, she always felt in some sort of trance when she was at the piano. Her teacher would tap her shoulder, sometimes pretty hard, to get the girl's attention. Charlotte looked around the room, as she suspected, no one was here.

"I should get a move on," she told herself.

She stood from the bench, picked up her things and turned to face the instruments on the stage.

"I know I have to play these instruments, but I think I'm missing something."

The young woman looked up to the projector's booth and sighed. This better be the last time Charlotte has to run in this place. She exited the recording studio and was back up at the projector. The girl prayed she would get this the first time, she'll have to run pretty fast if she wants to get the right instruments in time. Charlotte turned on the projector and quickly but carefully ran down the stairs and around each corner to get into the recording studio. She played the instruments that had been given in Sammy's "favourite song"; she played the last one then the click of the projector shot through the empty room. Then the young woman heard a creak and metal moving and she looked around. Charlotte found that a garage-like door in the recording studio had opened, revealing a hallway.

"A...hidden sanctuary," she muttered, "That's.... smart."

The girl walked inside, she saw some instruments in the hallways and ran her fingers along the strings of the bass and continued her way to the end of the hall. What she saw next was something crazy and weird, as if this studio couldn't get any weirder. There was a desk with sheet music, a Bendy plush, a banjo; to the far right there was a valve that she believed was the solution to the leak in front of Sammy's office. But on the wall in front of Charlotte lay a longer message written in ink.





"He?" That was on another message too, "Who the hell is 'he'?"

She sighed and turned the valve, but as she made it down the hall, there was an icky feeling inside of her. Back in the recording studio, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, that is....until she looked up. She wanted to get away, but she just couldn't look away from the strange person. It seemed he was staring right into her eyes.

The music director had stood back on the ledge and waited for the strange girl to emerge from his sanctuary. He and the girl were now making eye contact with each other; he could see the confusion in her eyes. Looking at her properly now, she looked familiar to the inky man, but that couldn't possibly be her....could it? Or perhaps an impersonator; that thought made him tick and he summoned an army of searchers to attack the girl.

Charlotte jumped at the sound of moans and ink splats coming from the inky, deformed creatures popping out from the studio floor. She held up her axe and swung it as the searchers approached her. But there were just so many, she had gotten hit by about 3-4 of them; her vision was almost black as she backed up and blindly swung at the ink monsters. Every now and then the young woman looked up to the ink man, he just watched over everything; Charlotte swore that behind the mask he was smirking. As soon as all the searchers were dead, she rushed out of the recording studio and closed the door.

"Seriously, who is that man?" she said, leaning on the door.

Charlotte took a few deep breaths the made her way back to the music director's office and sure enough, the ink from the leak had stopped and she could get in now. She opened the door and right in front of her was the pump switch for the stairs at the entrance of the Music Department. To the right of Charlotte on the wall was more writing. It read, IT'S TIME TO BELIEVE.

"Believe in what?" Charlotte asked herself.

She walked over to Sammy's desk and found something odd. It was some sort blueprints...for an Ink Machine. The young woman wondered why the music director would have this. She picked it up to examine it closer but couldn't understand any of it. The girl knew nothing of mechanics or architecture, that's for sure, but she hoped this was nothing too bad. Charlotte put down the paper and flipped the pump switch, therefore draining the ink from the stairwell.

"Perfect. Now let's get outta here."

Charlotte exited Sammy's office and back to the beginning of the department, excited to finally get out of this studio. But it seems some nightmares you can't escape, Charlotte was just past the giant sign when she was hit, hard, across the head. Just one hit was enough to knock the girl down; she dropped her axe and fell to the floor on her back, hitting her head off the ground as well. Charlotte's vision was super blurry and the last sight she got before passing out was the strange masked man, standing tall above her, a dustpan in his right hand.

"Rest your head, it's time for bed."

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