Chapter 1

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"You didn't have to do that, Y/n," Harry stated, biting the inside of his cheek. He was holding the cage where a fluffy snowy owl, the beautiful Hedwig, was snoozing in. He played with the handle of it as he looked into your eyes.

You gave him a weak smile, shoved your hands in your pockets and gave a shrug. "It's alright, not like I was going to graduate anyway. Besides, you, Ron and Hermione are my only friends." You fumbled with the loose string in your jeans before telling him that you would do anything for them. They saved your life, and they don't even know it.

You walked deeper into the empty living room of the Dursley's house, you know it was never appropriate to call it Harry's. You examined the patterned floor and noticed the infamous small door beside the doorway.

"That's my room," Harry announced, leaving Hedwig to doze off without interruption next to his luggage. He latched the lock to the right and opened the small door, a loud cry was heard from the hinges.

You peaked your head inside and immediately went into a coughing fit.

"I'm sorry," Harry said, his voice struggling to not laugh as he patted your back.

You coughed and coughed, then turned into a laugh with Harry. "Gosh, Harry, did you ever clean this place?"

"Sorry, I was busy not trying to get killed every year at Hogwarts to pick up a duster." He grinned at his own remark, noticing you still had dust on your cheeks.

"Fair enough," you replied, grinning as you closed the door, happy that this didn't get too emotional. It was nice to talk to Harry because of this. Not everything was needed to be taken too seriously.

Harry, debating or not whether to wipe the dirt off, mumbled, "Um, Y/n, you have... you have dirt on your face."

You ran your sleeve on your forehead, looking at Harry like he was your mirror. He shook his head so your began to wipe furiously at your nose. He grinned.

"Here, let me do it since apparently you can't feel the dirt on your face," Harry teased, making you roll your eyes. He didn't use his sleeve instead he used his hand. He grabbed your chin with one and wiped off the dirt with his thumb.

His hands felt warm on your skin. His thumb stroked your cheek, a delicate touch so he wouldn't hurt you. You were looking at the door the whole time but now, you looked at him.

He was already staring at you then he stopped moving his thumb. He let go of your face, his warm touch now absent.

"There, you're all good," he stated, clearing his throat.

"Thanks," you said, willing your skin to not forget his touch. You wanted to put your hand on your face again, it felt so nice to be touched.

"I think, um , the rest are about to come so we better get ready." He walked past you after giving you a nod. He grabbed Hedwig, who was now alert with her big eyes roaming around. You walked next to him, and helped him carry his luggage outside.
A chilly air met you as you stepped outside, one similar to the one you feel at an empty graveyard. You set his luggage down, shivering slightly as you stuffed your hands in your pockets again.

"What are you doing?"

"Freeing Hedwig." He opened the cage, extending two fingers ahead of him.


"You don't expect me to drag her along, do you? I won't have enough food for her and we are going to be busy." He winced as Hedwig flew to stand on his fingers, her claws curling around them.

There was a moment of silence as he looked at his pet with a loving smile, while all that was written in his eyes was the story of pain.

"You're going to miss her," you commented, looking down at the floor.

Harry stroked Hedwig' feathers and whispered, "Fly away from here. Hopefully we'll see each other soon, Hedwig." He took a deep breath and you felt out of place, like you weren't supposed to be listening.
"Thank you for being my first friend," he acknowledged, glancing at the sky to stop any tears trying to form.

You placed a hand on his shoulder, he immediately began to cry.

"I can't do this, Y/n, I feel like I am betraying her." He turned to look at you, his tears reaching the corners of his mouth.

You shook your head, always knowing that he does this. He always wants to blame himself for the suffering of others but you didn't see this as a bad thing for Hedwig. "Let's do it together, and remember that this isn't going to be the end Harry. She's going to be okay."

He nodded, slowly moving his hand so that Hedwig was now in between the both of you. You pet her head, making her hoot softly. "She's so lovely."
A few tears streamed down Harry's face while you held his hand that was carrying Hedwig, it looked like you were escorting him to dance. With a gentle push of your hand and a whispered goodbye from Harry, Hedwig soared into the foggy sky.

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