Chapter 34

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"What the hell happened." 

The green field that would host the beautiful games of Quidditch was an awful pool of mud that looked abandoned. The walls that would secure the school were not enough anymore; dementors stood guard and filled the atmosphere with heavy dread. There was not one person in sight; everyone must have left; there was no possibility the once thriving and open Hogwarts was now a quiet and lonely place where only distant memories seemed to bring it back to life. 

"You don't think..." Ron began to say, looking at you all. 

"No, it is way too early," Hermione responded, already reading his mind. "You-Know-Who won't waste his time trying to be here, especially knowing our plan." 

"Which might be precisely why he is here," Harry intersected, rubbing his head. "We have exhausted every other possibility of where the others could be, so there is no other place to go but here. He must know that already. We should go back-" 

You shook your head; Harry immediately fell to silence. 

"Where else would we go? I was opposed to it, but it makes sense to come back. Who knows when we will be together again the next time?" 

Ron frowned. "Before we get our minds clouded with all that is happening, we should find a way to get in before the dementors find us. But..." He looked up at the haunted Hogwarts, his heart heavy with what his eyes were seeing. "Does anyone know of a way to get in?" 

Hermione scrunched her face. "I do not think we should go in just yet; let us think about it extremely carefully."

The four of you huddled deeper into the woods, keeping a clear view of Hogwarts through the bushes and branches, obscuring their vision of you all. The dementors did not seem to suspect a thing, they were still looming miles away, stretched as high up as possible they were pratically touching the gray clouds above. 

After a long while conversing, you stared off into your first-ever home, which is down to ruins. In the most dramatic way possible, your mind could not stop replaying your favorite moments of playing Quidditch and your almost daily entrance to the library to learn more about anything and everything. One day, you saw a shooting star off in the distance when you were night-watching after finishing your exam of potions earlier. A curiosity burned in you that you could not help but run to the library to learn everything about Astronomy you could possibly learn. You loved learning about the world around you; your throat tightened at how far away that felt. How different everything is now. How fast and blurry the days seem to blend in together. When will it stop? 

"Y/n," Harry nudged gently on your hand. "Do you think we are good to go? How are you feeling?" 

You were nodding by default. "I feel fine." 

Harry scanned your face as you said those words. He searched for the slightest sign of you lying but found none. You were also shocked to say those words; you were not in pain for the tiniest second in time. 

"Let's go then. I will lead the way," Ron stated, helping Hermoine get up from her squatting position. He chuckled as Hermione grunted from having to apply weight on her numb legs. 

"What?" She blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment with her hair but failing miserably. 

"I would be tired too if I had to carry that never-ending bag all the time," Ron answered, walking at the same pace as her so as not to make it too obvious her legs were on fire. 

"Oh, shut it," she replied, smirking at his comment. 

"How much does that thing weigh anyway? Four hundred pounds?" He laughed, mocking how hurt he was by Hermione's playful smack on his arm. "Let me carry it for you." 

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