Chapter 31

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"No, you can't be serious," you replied, cold sweat running down your neck. "No, Hermione, please tell me that you are bluffing."

Hermione bit her lip and her eyes watered. "Y/n, I have no clue how to fix this. I don't think there is a cure for this. Especially since its inside." She was analyzing the vein-like structure of the poison all over your chest.

Harry, who couldn't believe what he saw, was speechless. You were dying. Right in front of him. And it was his fault again. You jumped in to save him which caused the locket to open. For his fault another person he loved was going to die. And he could do nothing to stop it. Angry at himself, the world, life, he stood up and stormed out the tent. His fist clenched in a way for his fingernails to dig into his palms.

"Is it hurting now?" Ron asked, his voice so small you could barely hear.

You closed your eyes. "I don't feel it at all. Only when I think of the actual locket. Mione, how long do I..." You were going to finish the sentence but realized you couldn't.

Hermione began to sob and clung to your shoulders. Ron came close and hugged you too, his tears leaving stains on the back of your shirt. Your eyes were set on a point on the floor, the realization that your days are numbered dawned on you. You are going to die and theres nothing you can do.

"Please just tell me Hermione," you whispered, closing your eyes and the tears you were holding back fell.

Hermione let you go and rubbed off the snot from her nose on her sleeve. Her cheeks glowing from the lakes of tears on her face. "I am assuming that if it does not go inside your heart... maybe a... a month." She cried as she spit out the length of time you had.

A month. Thirty days, thirty-one at most. Only a number of days until you take your final breath. Only a number of days you get to spend with your best friends. Only a number of days to dream of destroying He- Who- Must- Not- Be- Named. Only a number of days to dream of being with Harry forever. Only a number of days to dream to go back home. Only a number of days to dream...


"When I was back at the lake, I think I passed out. I had a dream of Dumbledore and saw Harry's parents." You elaborated, raising your eyebrows at the absurd idea coming in. "Do you reckon if I try to sleep, they could come back in my dream and I can ask them what am I supposed to do?"

Ron searched Hermione's face for answers.

Hermione's thinking face always looked so serious that it was hard to figure out if your idea was brilliant or absolutely ridiculous.

"As in they visited you during that time you passed out?" Hermione asked.

You nodded, scratching your neck but wincing at the pain.

"We could try," Hermione suggested, her voice stuffy. "I hope they are listening and do this favor for us."

"It's the least Dumbledore could do for giving me this," you remarked. "Why the hell would he give me this? That could kill me? Well, is killing me?"

Ron shook his head. "I have no idea." He turned around, as to search for someone. "Where's Harry?"

"Outside." Hermione looked at Harry's shadow that is casted on the tent. "He left in a fury, probably blames himself."

You got up and answered when they questioned your motive of doing so. "I am not going to let him torment himself any longer, he has to know I would jump in that bloody lake forever if it meant I could have even the slight possibility that I could save him."

You brisked out the tent to see Harry breathing heavily as he looked across the forest to the lake. From where you stood, you saw Harry's shoulders shudder and you couldn't tell if it was a reaction to the cold or because he was crying. Your heart sunk as you realized it was the latter.

"Harry, please..."

"Don't try to say it isn't my fault, Y/n." Harry started, running his hands along his hair in frustration. "Every single bloody thing that happens is because of me. My parents sacrificed themselves to save me! Sirius died because of me!! Dumbledore too!! And now you are dying!! Because of me! Because I survived the stupid killing curse. Because I was left behind." He took off his glasses and swiftly ran his sleeve along his eyes. "So please don't tell me it isn't my fault because you know damn well it is."

You shook your head as he let out his speech. "Harry, this isn't fair. What you are saying isn't fair. Your parents wanted to stay alive but protected you just like all of us are doing-"

"But why?!" He exclaimed. "I did not ask for this! I did not ask for all of this to happen! For them to be killed, for us to leave Hogwarts... For all of this I didn't ask for my life to be a living hell." He sobbed, his body shaking in rage. "I can't do this anymore. I am lost and angry and furious for altering your lives to help save mine. What good is it going to do?"

"I let you blame yourself for things that are out of your control," you responded, shaking your head. "But I am not going to let you say that your life does not have value. Harry, understand that we would do this again and again and again just to help you. If its because I jumped in the lake to save you, I would do it over and over to save you. I would risk my damn life to save you!"

"Y/n, but you are dying," he mumbled, now looking at you with his sad eyes.

You shrugged, trying with great effort to hide the pain that shot down your arm as you did that. "We are all going to, at some point. Please, don't ever think it is your fault. We are all facing the same problem: the fear of living with You- Know- Who tormenting us. I do not mind dying knowing that I would go down as someone who fought hard to destroy that monster." You managed a small smile to give Harry. "Who knows, I might get a textbook written with my name on it. Wouldn't that be amazing?"

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. "Out of all this, that's what's most important to you?"

"Of course, what else would be just as important?" You smirked at him seeing him surrender into giving a light chuckle.

"Thank you," Harry said after a long while of silence.

"Anytime," you replied, feeling just slightly lightheaded from the cold.

As you both walked back inside the tent, Harry held on to your hand, running his thumb along your nail beds. "I was just a bit dramatic."

"I would have reacted the same, even worse," you replied honestly. "I would have pulled out some of my hair to set the scene and go on my knees to yell at the sky. Too bad you hardly have any locks left," you joked, playing with his hair.

He chuckled. "You're so ridiculous."

You smiled and walked with him back, your heart still heavy over the rant Harry had. Even as you tried to make light of the situation, Harry and you both knew that the feeling of blame was still in the air. Harry blamed himself for everything and you blamed Voldemort for everything. You wish Harry could separate himself from the horrific actions Voldemort has done and continues to do. It's like he believes they are connected somehow.

"Y/n," Hermione called, sitting next to the sleeping bag Ron and her worked on. "We have it ready."

Harry looked puzzled as he saw the arrangement of pillows and blankets on the middle of the tent. Ron gave him a quick rundown of the plan while you followed Hermione's instructions. You laid down on the most comfortable bed you have ever rested on.

"If we see her twitch or jerk, can we wake her up?" Harry asked, his hand resting on your ankle.

"No," you answered before Hermione, who was kneeling near your head. Ron nodded, sitting close to Hermione and staring at your neck, as if expecting the scars to float and attack him.

"I need to wake myself up. Now, please don't make any noise." You ordered, closing your eyes.

"It won't be a problem," Ron answered, holding onto your elbow. "Harry is awake and finally not snoring so peace and quiet." You opened your eyes and Ron gave you a wink. Harry scoffed. You closed your eyes and had a small smile on your face as you dozed off.

"I hope this works," Hermione wished, biting her fingernails as she saw your eyes move rapidly behind your closed eyelids.

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